
Displays dot1x information on interfaces. Dot1x (or 802.1x) is an IEEE standard for network authentication. Devices supporting dot1x allow the automatic provision and connection to the wireless network without launching a Web browser at login. When within range of a dot1x network, a device automatically connects and authenticates without needing to manually login.
However, dot1x-enabled devices can be configured either as:
  • supplicants only – Devices seeking network access
  • authenticators only – Devices authenticating the supplicants, or
  • supplicants as well authenticators


Dot.1x supplicant configuration is supported on the following platforms:
  • Access Points – AP 6522, AP 6562, AP 7161, AP 7502, AP-7522, AP 7532, AP-7562, AP-8163, AP-8432, AP-8533
  • Wireless Controllers – RFS 4000
  • Service Platforms – NX 5500, NX 75XX


Dot.1x authenticator configuration is supported on the following platforms:
  • Access Points – AP 6522, AP 7161, AP 7161, AP 7502, AP-8163
  • Wireless Controllers – RFS 4000
  • Service Platforms – NX 5500, NX 75XX

Supported on the following devices:


show dot1x {all|interface|on}
show dot1x {all {on <DEVICE-NAME>}|on <DEVICE-NAME>}
show dot1x {interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>|ge <1-4>|port-channel <1-2>} {on <DEVICE-NAME>}


show dot1x {all {on <DEVICE-NAME>}|on <DEVICE-NAME>}
dot1x all {on <DEVICE-NAME>} Optional. Displays dot1x information for all interfaces
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays dot1x information for all interfaces on a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
dot1x {on <DEVICE-NAME>}

Optional. Displays dot1x information for interfaces on a specified device

  • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of AP, wireless controller, or service platform.
show dot1x {interface [<INTERFACE-NAME>|ge <1-4>|port-channel <1-2>]} {on <DEVICE-NAME>}
dot1x interface Optional. Displays dot1x information for a specified interface or interface type
<INTERFACE-NAME> Displays dot1x information for the layer 2 (Ethernet port) interface specified by the <INTERFACE-NAME> parameter
ge <1-4> Displays dot1x for a specified GigabitEthernet interface
  • <1-4> – Select the interface index from 1 - 4.
port-channel <1-2> Displays dot1x for a specified port channel interface
  • <1-2> – Select the interface index from 1 - 2.
on <DEVICE-NAME> The following keywords are common to all of the above parameters:
  • on <DEVICE-NAME> – Optional. Displays dot1x interface information on a specified device
    • <DEVICE-NAME> – Specify the name of AP, wireless controller, or service platform.


ap8432-070235>show dot1x all
802.1X information
  SysAuthControl : disabled
  Guest-Vlan     : disabled
  AAA-Policy     : none
  Holdtime       : 60

802.1X information for interface GE1
Supplicant MAC N/A
  Bend SM State : REQUEST
  Port Status   : AUTHORIZED
  Host Mode     : SINGLE
  Auth Vlan     : None
  Guest Vlan    : None

802.1X information for interface GE2
Supplicant MAC N/A
  Bend SM State : REQUEST
  Port Status   : AUTHORIZED
  Host Mode     : SINGLE
  Auth Vlan     : None
  Guest Vlan    : None
