

Enables off-channel scanning on this radio. This option is disabled by default.

Channel scanning uses the access point‘s resources and is time consuming. Therefore, enable this option only if the radio has the bandwidth to support channel scan without negatively impacting client support.

Supported in the following platforms:


off-channel-scan {channel-list|max-multicast|scan-interval|sniffer-redirect}
off-channel-scan {channel-list [2.4Ghz|5Ghz]} {<CHANNEL-LIST>}
off-channel-scan {max-multicast <0-100>|scan-interval <2-100>}
off-channel-scan {sniffer-redirect tzsp <IP>}


off-channel-scan {channel-list [2.4Ghz|5Ghz]} {<CHANNEL-LIST>}
off-channel-scan Enables off-channel scanning and configures related parameters. These parameters are optional, and the system configures default settings if no values are specified.
channel-list [2.4GHz|5GHz] Optional. Selects the 2.4GHz or 5GHz access point radio band. Restricting off channel scans to specific channels frees bandwidth otherwise utilized for scanning across all channels.
  • 2.4GHz – Selects the 2.4 GHz band
  • 5GHz – Selects the 5.0 GHz band
<CHANNEL-LIST> Optional. Specifies a list of 20 MHz, 40 MHz, or 80 MHz channels for the selected band (the channels are separated by commas or hyphens)
off-channel-scan {max-multicast <0-100>|scan-interval <2-100>}
off-channel-scan Enables off-channel scanning and configures related parameters. These parameters are optional, and the system configures default settings if no values are specified.
max-multicast <0-100> Optional. Configures the maximum multicast/broadcast messages used to perform OCS
  • <0-100> – Specify a value from 0 - 100. The default is 4.
scan-interval <2-100> Optional. Configures the scan interval in dtims
  • <2-100> – Specify a value from 2 - 100. The default is 20 dtims.
off-channel-scan {sniffer-redirect tzsp <IP>}
off-channel-scan Enables off-channel scanning and configures related parameters. These parameters are optional, and the system configures default settings if no values are specified.
sniffer-redirect tzsp <IP> Optional. Captures and redirects packets to a host running a packet capture/analysis tool. Use this command to configure the IP address of the host.
  • tzsp – Encapsulates captured packets in TZSP before redirecting to the specified host
    • <IP> – Specify the destination device IP address.


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#off-channel-scan channel-list 2.4GHz 1

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  data-rates b-only
  mesh client
  off-channel-scan channel-list 2.4GHz 1
  guard-interval long
  aggregation ampdu tx-only
  aeroscout forward
  ekahau forward ip port 3
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 1 dynamic-all
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 2 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 3 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 4 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 5 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 6 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 7 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 8 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 9 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 10 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 11 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 12 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 13 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 14 highest-basic
  non-unicast tx-rate bss 15 highest-basic

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Disables radio off channel scanning