database-policy global config

Creates a database-policy and enters its configuration mode. After creating the database-policy, use it on the database host. This enables the database. If deploying a database replica-set, use this command to define the replica set configurations.

To enforce database authentication, enable authentication on the database-policy, and configure the username and password required to access the database. Note, this command is part of a set of configurations that are required to enable authentication. For more information on the entire set of configurations, see Example: Enabling Database Authentication.

Supported in the following platforms:


database-policy <DATABASE-POLICY-NAME>


database-policy <DATABASE-POLICY-NAME>
database-policy <DATABASE-POLICY-NAME> Specify the database policy name. If the policy with the specified name does not exist, it is created.


nx9500-6C8809(config)#database-policy test
Database Policy Mode commands:
  authentication  Database authentication
  no              Negate a command or set its defaults
  replica-set     Replica Set
  shutdown        Disable database server

  clrscr          Clears the display screen
  commit          Commit all changes made in this session
  do              Run commands from Exec mode
  end             End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit            End current mode and down to previous mode
  help            Description of the interactive help system
  revert          Revert changes
  service         Service Commands
  show            Show running system information
  write           Write running configuration to memory or terminal

Related Commands

no Removes an existing database-policy
database-client-policy global-config Documents database-client policy configuration commands. The database-client-policy configures the IP address or hostname of the database host, and is used on the EGuest server‘s device context.
use (profile/device-config-mode-commands) Uses a database-client-policy in the VX9000's device or profile context
database Drops or repairs a database. Also provides database keyfile management capabilities. If enforcing authenticated access to the database, use this command to generate, export, import, and zerzoise the keyfile.