
Configures an IPv6 ACL. IPv6 ACLs define a set of rules that filter IPv6 packets flowing through a port or interface. Each rule specifies the action taken when a packet matches the rule. If the action is deny, the packet is dropped. If the action is permit, the packet is allowed.

The WiNG software supports IPv6 only on VLAN interfaces. Therefore, IPv6 ACLs can be applied only on the VLAN interface.

The following table summarizes IPv6 access list configuration commands:
Table 1. IPv6 Access List Config Mode Commands
Command Description
deny (ipv6-acl) Creates a deny access rule or modifies an existing rule. A deny access rule rejects IPv6 packets from specified address(es) and/or destined for specified address(es).
permit (ipv6-acl) Creates a permit access rule or modifies an existing rule. A permit access rule accepts IPv6 packets from specified address(es) and/or destined for specified address(es).
no (ipv6-acl) Removes a deny and/or a access rule from a IPv6 ACL