

Configures wireless client parameters on this radio

Supported in the following platforms:


wireless-client tx-power [<0-20>|mode]
wireless-client <0-20>
wireless-client tx-power mode [802.11d {wing-ie}|wing-ie {802.11d}]


wireless-client tx-power <0-20>
wireless-client Configures wireless client parameters
tx-power <0-20> Configures the transmit power indicated to wireless clients. If using a dual or three radio model access point, each radio should be configured with a unique transmit power in respect to its intended client support function. A setting of 0 defines the radio as using Smart RF to determine its output power. 20 dBm is the default value.
  • <0-20> – Specify transmit power from 0 - 20 dBm.
wireless-client tx-power mode [802.11d {wing-ie}|wing-ie {802.11d}]
wireless-client Configures wireless client parameters
tx-power [802.11d|wing-ie] Configures the transmit power indicated to wireless clients
  • 802.11d – Advertises in the IEEE 802.11d country information element
    • wing-ie – Optional. Advertises in the WiNG information element (173)
  • wing-ie – Advertises in the WiNG information element (173). This is the default setting.
    • 802.11d – Optional. Advertises in the IEEE 802.11d country information element


nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#wireless-client tx-power 20

nx9500-6C8809(config-profile-510TestProfile-if-radio1)#show context
 interface radio1
  rf-mode sensor
  placement outdoor
  mesh client
  rts-threshold 100
  wireless-client tx-power 20
  off-channel-scan channel-list 2.4GHz 1
  guard-interval long
  aggregation ampdu tx-only

Related Commands

no (radio-interface-config-command) Resets the transmit power indicated to wireless clients