Displays the log configuration for switch log settings, and for certain targets.
This command has no arguments or variables.
This command displays the log configuration for all targets. The state of the target, enabled or disabled is displayed. For the enabled targets, the associated filter, severity, match expression, and format is displayed. The debug mode state of the switch is also displayed.
The following command displays the configuration of all the log targets and all existing filters:
# show log configuration Debug-Mode: Disabled Show Message Privilege: User (non-administrative) Log Target : memory-buffer Enabled : yes Filter Name : DefaultFilter Match regex : Any Severity : Debug-Data (through Critical) Format : MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh <Severity:Component.SubComponent.Condition> Buffer size : 1000 messages Percent Full : 100% (wrapping) Full Alert : None Log Target : nvram Enabled : yes Filter Name : DefaultFilter Match regex : Any Severity : Warning (through Critical) Format : MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh <Severity:Component.SubComponent.Condition> Log Target : console Enabled : no Filter Name : DefaultFilter Match regex : Any Severity : Info (through Critical) Format : MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh <Severity:Component.SubComponent.Condition> Log Filter Name: DefaultFilter I/ Severity E Component SubComponent Condition CEWNISVD - ----------- ------------ ----------------------- -------- I All ******** Include/Exclude: I - Include, E - Exclude Component Unreg: * - Component/SubComponent is not currently registered Severity Values: C - Critical, E - Error, W - Warning, N - Notice, I - Info * - Pre-assigned severities in effect for specified component Debug Severity : S - Debug-Summary, V - Debug-Verbose, D - Debug-Data + - Debug Severities, but log debug-mode not enabled If Match parameters present: Parameter Flags: S - Source, D - Destination, (as applicable) I - Ingress, E - Egress, B - BGP Parameter Types: Port - Physical Port list, Slot - Physical Slot # MAC - MAC address, IP - IP Address/netmask, Mask - Netmask VID - Virtual LAN ID (tag), VLAN - Virtual LAN name VR - Virtual Router Name, VRID - VR Identifier VRF - Virtual Routing and Forwarding Name L4 - Layer-4 Port #, Num - Number, Str - String Nbr - Neighbor, Rtr - Routerid, EAPS - EAPS Domain Proc - Process Name Strict Match : Y - every match parameter entered must be present in the event N - match parameters need not be present in the event
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
Syslog reference identifier informaiton was added in ExtremeXOS 22.3.
This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X620, X690, X870 series switches.