Configuring an SPBM Layer 2 Switched UNI on a Port

Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) supports Layer 2 Virtual Service Network (VSN) functionality where Switched UNIs are bridged over the SPBM core infrastructure.



EAP and FA can co-exist on the same port. EAP and FA can be enabled in any order; however, EAP must have Flex UNI enabled in order to function on an FA-enabled port. If EAP is currently enabled, FA can only be enabled if the port is a Flex UNI-enabled port.

VSP 4450 Series, VSP 8600 Series, or XA1400 Series do not support EAP and FA on the same port.

Before you begin

  • You must configure the required SPBM and IS-IS infrastructure.

About this task

To configure a Switched UNI on a port, you must create a Switched UNI I-SID, and map the port to the Switched UNI I-SID.



When you configure Switched UNI, Spanning tree is disabled on all the Switched UNI ports.


  1. Enter GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

    interface GigabitEthernet {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}



    If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.

  2. Enable Switched UNI on a port:

    flex-uni enable



    You cannot enable enable EAP on a Switched UNI (S-UNI) on the VSP 4450 Series, VSP 8600 Series, or XA1400 Series.

  3. Configure a Switched UNI Service Instance Identifier (I-SID):

    i-sid <1–16777215> [elan]

    This command automatically takes you to the Elan I-SID Configuration mode.

  4. Add ports to a Switched UNI I-SID:

    c-vid <c-vid> port {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}

  5. Add untagged traffic to a Switched UNI I-SID:

    untagged—traffic port {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]} [bpdu enable]

  6. Display the Switched UNI information:

    show interface gigabitethernet i-sid {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}


Switch:1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Switch:1(config)#interface gigabitethernet 1/1,1/2
Switch:1(config-if)#flex-uni enable
Switch:1(config-if)#i-sid 100
Switch:1(elan:100)#c-vid 10 port 1/1,1/2
Switch:1(elan:100)#untagged—traffic port 1/1,1/2 bpdu enable


Not all fields are supported on all hardware platforms.

Switch:1#show interface gigabitEthernet i-sid
                           PORT Isid Info
                ISID                   ISID                        ISID              MAC
1/1     192     27       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-27           FALSE
1/1     192     270      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-270          FALSE
1/1     192     309      N/A    309    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-309          FALSE
1/1     192     401      N/A    401    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-401          FALSE
1/1     192     1001     N/A    1001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1001         FALSE
1/1     192     1111     N/A    1111   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1111         FALSE
1/1     192     1121     N/A    1121   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1121         FALSE
1/1     192     1201     N/A    1201   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1201         FALSE
1/1     192     2001     N/A    2001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-2001         FALSE
1/2     193     38       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-38           FALSE
1/2     193     310      N/A    310    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-310          FALSE
1/2     193     380      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-380          FALSE
1/2     193     402      N/A    402    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-402          FALSE

13 out of 152 Total Num of i-sid endpoints displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

Variable definitions

The following table defines parameters for the i-sid command to configure a Switched UNI.



i-sid <1–16777215> elan

Creates an Elan based service. The service interface identifier (I-SID) range is 1 to 16777215.

c-vid <c-vid> port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}

Specifies the customer VLAN ID. Different hardware platforms support different customer VLAN ID ranges. Use the CLI Help to see the available range for the switch.

untagged-traffic < port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}> [bpdu enable]

Add untagged traffic to the Elan-based service.