Change the Network Operating System Personality
Use this procedure on a VOSS switch to change the Network Operating System (NOS) personality.
The primary method to select a NOS personality for the switch is by using ExtremeCloud IQ. If the network is not accessible, or if you do not use Extreme Networks management software, you can change the NOS personality by using VOSS CLI commands.
Before you begin
Use FTP to transfer the NOS image to the /intflash/ directory in the VOSS file system.
About this task
If you change the NOS personality, the system deletes all configuration, licensing, and log files that pertain to the previous NOS personality.
If a power interruption occurs during a personality change, the system restarts the process after you restore power to the switch.
As part of the NOS personality change, you must restart the switch. If, during the restart, the system detects a failure, the NOS personality does not change. After the original NOS restarts, it logs an error message and raises a persistent alarm.

This procedure does not provide information about upgrading VOSS. For details about upgrading the VOSS release, see Upgrade the Software.
Change the NOS personality to ExtremeXOS.5520-24W-VOSS:1>enable 5520-24W-VOSS:1#software add summit_arm- EXOS image validated successfully Adding EXOS software - /intflash/summit_arm- Extraction of /intflash/summit_arm- to /intflash/release/summit_arm- successful 5520-24W-VOSS:1#show software ============================================================================= software releases in /intflash/release/ ============================================================================= summit_arm- 5520.v8.2.5int030 (Primary Release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto Commit : enabled Commit Timeout : 10 minutes 5520-24W-VOSS:1#software activate summit_arm- Executing software activate for version summit_arm- Validated EXOS software WARNING: The specified image is for the EXOS Network Operating System and the VOSS Network Operating System is currently running. If you continue, all data including configurations, logs and debugs will be cleared, except for the license activation status. EXOS will be installed and VOSS image files will be removed. Do you want to continue (y/n) ?y
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the software command.
Variable | Value |
activate WORD<1-99> |
Specifies the software version to copy to the boot flash file. |
add WORD<1-99> |
Specifies the software version to unpack. |
-y | Suppresses the confirmation message to automatically overwrite the non-primary image. If you omit this parameter, you must confirm the action to overwrite the non-primary image. |