This section shows examples of configured internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) IPv4 and IPv6 peers over user-created Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instances.
The Autonomous System (AS) number configured on the global VRF is inherited by all user-created VRFs, however, you can override the AS number for a specific user-created VRF. For more information, see Configure an AS Number for a Non-default VRF.
Configuration on switch 1:
# # VRF CONFIGURATION # ip vrf vrf1 vrfid 1 router vrf vrf1 exit ip vrf vrf2 vrfid 2 router vrf vrf2 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE I # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 encapsulation dot1q exit # # VLAN CONFIGURATION # vlan members remove 1 1/1,1/46 vlan create 100 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 100 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 100 ip address 1 exit vlan create 101 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 101 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 101 vrf vrf1 ip address 2 exit vlan create 102 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 102 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 102 vrf vrf2 ip address 3 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE II # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 default-vlan-id 100 no shutdown exit # # CIRCUITLESS IP INTERFACE CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # interface loopback 1 ip address exit # # CIRCUITLESS IP INTERFACE CONFIGURATION - VRF # interface loopback 2 ip address vrf vrf1 exit interface loopback 3 ip address vrf vrf2 exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # router bgp no synchronization exit router bgp 1000 enable router bgp network metric 100000 neighbor "" neighbor remote-as 1000 neighbor next-hop-self neighbor update-source neighbor enable exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - VRF # router vrf vrf1 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp network metric 100000 ip bgp neighbor "" ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor update-source ip bgp neighbor enable exit router vrf vrf2 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp network metric 100000 ip bgp neighbor "" ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor update-source ip bgp neighbor enable exit
Configuration on switch 2:
# # VRF CONFIGURATION # ip vrf vrf1 vrfid 1 router vrf vrf1 exit ip vrf vrf2 vrfid 2 router vrf vrf2 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE I # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 encapsulation dot1q exit # # VLAN CONFIGURATION # vlan members remove 1 1/1,1/46 vlan create 100 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 100 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 100 ip address 1 exit vlan create 101 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 101 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 101 vrf vrf1 ip address 2 exit vlan create 102 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 102 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 102 vrf vrf2 ip address 3 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE II # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 default-vlan-id 100 no shutdown exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # router bgp no synchronization exit router bgp 1000 enable router bgp neighbor "" neighbor remote-as 1000 neighbor next-hop-self neighbor update-source neighbor enable exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - VRF # router vrf vrf1 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp neighbor "" ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor update-source ip bgp neighbor enable exit router vrf vrf2 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp neighbor "" ip bgp neighbor remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor update-source ip bgp neighbor enable exit
Configuration on switch 1:
# # VRF CONFIGURATION # ip vrf vrf1 vrfid 1 router vrf vrf1 exit ip vrf vrf2 vrfid 2 router vrf vrf2 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE I # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 encapsulation dot1q exit # # VLAN CONFIGURATION # vlan members remove 1 1/1,1/46 vlan create 100 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 100 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 100 ipv6 interface mac-offset 1 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:0::1/64 exit vlan create 101 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 101 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 101 vrf vrf1 ipv6 interface mac-offset 2 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:1::1/64 exit vlan create 102 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 102 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 102 vrf vrf2 ipv6 interface mac-offset 3 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:2::1/64 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE II # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 default-vlan-id 100 no shutdown exit # # CIRCUITLESS IPV6 INTERFACE CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # interface loopback 1 ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:2000::1/128 exit # # CIRCUITLESS IPV6 INTERFACE CONFIGURATION - VRF # interface loopback 2 ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:2001::1/128 vrf vrf1 exit interface loopback 3 ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:2002::1/128 vrf vrf2 exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # router bgp no synchronization exit router bgp 1000 enable router bgp network 2001:DB8:2000::1/128 metric 100000 neighbor "2001:DB8:0::2" neighbor 2001:DB8:0::2 remote-as 1000 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::2 next-hop-self neighbor 2001:DB8:0::2 address-family ipv6 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::2 update-source 2001:DB8:0::1 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::2 enable exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - VRF # router vrf vrf1 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp network 2001:DB8:2001::1/128 metric 100000 ip bgp neighbor "2001:DB8:1::2" ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::2 remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::2 next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::2 update-source 2001:DB8:1::1 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::2 address-family ipv6 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::2 enable exit router vrf vrf2 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp network 2001:DB8:2002::1/128 metric 100000 ip bgp neighbor "2001:DB8:2::2" ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::2 remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::2 next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::2 update-source 2001:DB8:2::1 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::2 address-family ipv6 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::2 enable exit
Configuration on switch 2:
# # VRF CONFIGURATION # ip vrf vrf1 vrfid 1 router vrf vrf1 exit ip vrf vrf2 vrfid 2 router vrf vrf2 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE I # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 encapsulation dot1q exit # # VLAN CONFIGURATION # vlan members remove 1 1/1,1/46 vlan create 100 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 100 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 100 ipv6 interface mac-offset 1 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:0::2/64 exit vlan create 101 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 101 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 101 vrf vrf1 ipv6 interface mac-offset 2 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:1::2/64 exit vlan create 102 type port-mstprstp 0 vlan members 102 1/1 portmember interface Vlan 102 vrf vrf2 ipv6 interface mac-offset 3 ipv6 interface enable ipv6 interface address 2001:DB8:2::2/64 exit # # PORT CONFIGURATION - PHASE II # interface GigabitEthernet 1/1 default-vlan-id 100 no shutdown exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - GlobalRouter # router bgp no synchronization exit router bgp 1000 enable router bgp neighbor "2001:DB8:0::1" neighbor 2001:DB8:0::1 remote-as 1000 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::1 next-hop-self neighbor 2001:DB8:0::1 address-family ipv6 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::1 update-source 2001:DB8:0::2 neighbor 2001:DB8:0::1 enable exit # # BGP CONFIGURATION - VRF # router vrf vrf1 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp neighbor "2001:DB8:1::1" ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::1 remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::1 next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::1 update-source 2001:DB8:1::2 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::1 address-family ipv6 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:1::1 enable exit router vrf vrf2 ip bgp no ip bgp synchronization ip bgp enable ip bgp neighbor "2001:DB8:2::1" ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::1 remote-as 1000 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::1 next-hop-self ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::1 update-source 2001:DB8:2::2 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::1 address-family ipv6 ip bgp neighbor 2001:DB8:2::1 enable exit