View Remote SPBM I-SID Information

About this task

Perform this procedure to view the SPBM Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) information. The SPBM B-MAC header includes an I-SID with a length of 24 bits. This I-SID can be used to identify and transmit any virtualized traffic in an encapsulated SPBM frame.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration > Fabric folders.
  2. Select SPBM Remote.
  3. Select the I-SID tab.
  4. Optional: Select the Filter button to filter the rows on basis of specific criteria.

I-SID Field Descriptions

Use data in the following table to use the I-SID tab.




Indicates the system identifier.


Indicates the B-VLAN where the remote I-SID is configured or discovered.


Indicates the remote IS-IS SPBM I-SID identifier.


Indicates the nickname of the node where the remote I-SID is configured or discovered.


Indicates the host name listed in the LSP, or the IS-IS system name. The IS-IS system name uses global system name, if you do not configure the host name.


Indicates the remote SPBM I-SID type. The values are discover or configure.