Configure Remote IS-IS Interface Level Parameters

About this task

Perform this procedure to configure remote IS-IS interface level parameters. SPBM uses IS-IS to discover network topology, build shortest path trees between network nodes, and communicate network information in the control plane.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration > Fabric folders.
  2. Select IS-IS Remote.
  3. Select the Interfaces Level tab.
  4. Configure the remote IS-IS interface level parameters.
  5. Select Apply.

Interfaces Level Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interfaces Level tab.




Specifies the identifier of the circuit, the value is unique within the remote IS-IS. The value is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and does not relate to any protocol value.


Specifies the router type globally:

  • l1: Level1 router type

  • l12: Level1/Level2 router type. This type is not supported.

The default value is l1.


Specifies an integer sub-range for remote IS-IS priority. The default is 64.


Configures the level 1 hello interval.

Specifies the maximum period, in milliseconds, between IS-IS Hello Packets (IIH) PDUs on multiaccess networks at this level for LANs. The value at Level1 is used as the period between Hellos on Level1/Level2 point to point circuits. Setting this value at Level 2 on an Level1/Level2 point-to-point circuit results in an error of InconsistentValue.

The default value is 9000 milliseconds or 9 seconds.


Configures the level 1 hello multiplier. The default value is 3 seconds.


Indicates the period, in milliseconds, between Hello PDUs on multiaccess networks when this Intermediate System is the Designated Intermediate System. The default is 3.