Use Trace SPBM to Diagnose Problems

Use the following procedure to display trace information for SPBM IS-IS. In the case of IS-IS, this procedure also provides information related to the flags set.

About this task

Use the trace level 119 <0–4> command to trace IS-IS module information, including CLI, instrumentation, show config and platform dependent code. The IS-IS module ID is 119.

Use the trace level 125 <0–4> command to trace SPBM module information, including CLI, instrumentation, show config and platform dependent code. The SPBM module ID is 125.

Use the trace spbm isis level command to trace platform independent code, IS-IS protocol, IS-IS hello, IS-IS adjacency, LSP processing, and IS-IS computation.



Risk of traffic loss

Using the trace tool inappropriately can cause CPU lockup conditions, loss of access to the device, loss of protocols, and service degradation.


  1. Enter Global Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

  2. Clear the trace:

    clear trace

  3. Begin the trace operation:

    trace spbm isis level <0-4>

    Wait approximately 30 seconds, and then stop trace.

  4. Stop tracing:

    trace shutdown

  5. Display the trace information for SPBM IS-IS:

    show trace spbm isis

  6. Begin the trace operation for the SPBM module:

    trace level 125 <0-4>

    Wait approximately 30 seconds, and then stop trace.

  7. Begin the trace operation for the IS-IS module:

    trace level 119 <0-4>

    Wait approximately 30 seconds, and then stop trace.

  8. View trace results:
    trace screen enable


    If you use trace level 3 (verbose) or trace level 4 (very verbose), do not use the screen to view commands due to the volume of information the system generates and the effect on the system.

  9. Save the trace file to the Compact Flash card for retrieval.

    save trace [file WORD<1–99>]

    If you do not specify a file name, the file name is systrace.txt. By default, the system saves the file to the external flash.

  10. Search trace results for a specific string value, for example, the word error:

    trace grep [WORD<0-128>]

    If you use this command and do not specify a string value, you clear the results of a previous search.


Switch:1#configure terminal
Switch:1(config)# clear trace
Switch:1(config)# trace spbm isis level 3
Switch:1(config)# trace shutdown
Switch:1(config)# show trace spbm isis
                             SPBM ISIS Tracing Info
 Status    : Enabled 
 Level     : VERY_TERSE 
 Flag Info : 
Switch:1(config)#trace level 125 3
Switch:1(config)#trace level 119 3
Switch:1(config)# save trace 
Switch:1(config)# trace grep error
Switch:1(config)#trace grep 00-1A-4B-8A-FB-6B

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the trace command.



cfm level [<0-4>]

Starts the trace by specifying the level.
  • <0–4> specifies the trace level from 0–4, where 0 is disabled; 1 is very terse; 2 is terse; 3 is verbose, 4 is very verbose.


Configure a filter trace for a file or module.


Configure trace flags for IS-IS or OSPF.

grep [WORD<0-128>]

Searches trace results for a specific string value, for example, the word error. Performs a comparison of trace messages.

level [<Module_ID>] [<0-4>]

Starts the trace by specifying the module ID and level.
  • <Module_ID> specifies the module for the trace. Different hardware platforms support different ID ranges because of feature support differences. To see which module IDs are available on the switch, use the show trace modid-list command or CLI command completion Help.

  • <0-4> specifies the trace level from 0–4, where 0 is disabled; 1 is very terse; 2 is terse; 3 is verbose, 4 is very verbose.


Enables or disables the trace route-map. The values are on and off.

screen {disable|enable}

Enables the display of trace output to the screen.


Stops the trace operation.

spbm isis level [<0-4>]

Starts the trace by specifying the level.
  • <0-4> specifies the trace level from 0–4, where 0 is disabled; 1 is very terse; 2 is terse; 3 is verbose, 4 is very verbose.

The default is 1, very terse.

The following table defines parameters for the save trace command.



file WORD<1–99>

Specifies the file name in one of the following formats:
  • a.b.c.d:<file>

  • x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x <file>

  • /intflash/<file>

  • /extflash/<file>

  • /usb/<file>

  • /mnt/intflash/ <file>

  • /mnt/extflash/ <file>

/mnt/intflash is the internal flash of the CPU.

/mnt/extflash is the external flash of the CPU.