Email Notification

The switch can send email notification for failed components or other critical log-event conditions. The switch can also send periodic health status notifications.

Enable and configure a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) client on the switch for one SMTP server by specifying the server hostname or IPv4 address. To use a hostname, you must also configure a Domain Name System (DNS) client on the switch.

You must configure at least one email recipient and can create a maximum of five email recipients.

The switch can periodically send general health status notifications. Status email messages include information about the following items:

The switch maintains a default list of event IDs for which it generates an email notification. You can add specific event IDs to this list. To see the default list of event IDs, run the show smtp event-id command.

The following example shows an email that the switch sends for log events.

Subject: Logs from LabSwitch - 50712100008
From: <>
To: <>
CP1  [08/04/15 21:48:04.527:UTC] 0x00004603 00400003.67108870 DYNAMIC CLEAR GlobalRouter SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=1 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1)
CP1  [08/04/15 21:48:04.527:UTC] 0x00004603 00400003.67108870 DYNAMIC CLEAR GlobalRouter SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=1 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1)
CP1  [08/04/15 21:48:04.527:UTC] 0x00004603 00400003.67108870 DYNAMIC CLEAR GlobalRouter SNMP INFO 2k card up(CardNum=2 AdminStatus=1 OperStatus=1)
CP1  [08/04/15 21:50:03.511:UTC] 0x00088524 00000000 GlobalRouter SW INFO Boot sequence successful

If you enable the SMTP client but the switch cannot reach the SMTP server, the switch generates an alarm. The switch holds log and status information in a queue until the connection with the SMTP server is restored. The message queue holds a maximum of 2,000 messages. If the queue fills, the switch drops new messages.

The following text is an example of the alarm that the switch generates when it cannot connect to the SMTP server.

CP1  [06/10/15 19:27:07.901:EST] 0x00398600 0e600000 DYNAMIC SET GlobalRouter SMTP WARNING SMTP: Unable to establish connection with server:, port:25

If the switch cannot establish a connection to the SMTP server, verify that the server IP address or hostname, and the TCP port are correct. If you specify the server hostname, confirm that the IP address for the DNS server is correct. Check for network issues such as unplugged cables.

If the SMTP server rejects the email message, the switch generates a log message.