
Use the wlan:<WLAN-service-name>:show command to display the current settings of the specified individual WLAN service. The show command is accessible from the wlan:<WLAN-service-name> context of the CLI.


The following example displays the current WLAN service settings for the WLAN service named “test”: show
Service type: std
Name: test
Synchronize: disable
Enable status: enable
Wireless AP Services:
Wireless AP: 04099202012xxxxx
Wireless AP: 04099202012xxxxx
Wireless AP: 05000092030xxxxx
SSID: _ssidtest
pre-authentication timeout(minutes): 5
post-authentication timeout(minutes): 30
session timeout(minutes): 0
Block MU to MU traffic: disable

This example displays the settings for the dynamic mesh WLAN service named mesh1-wlan: show
Service type: mesh
Pre-shared Key:
SSID: mesh1
Backhaul Radio Band: a
Name: mesh1-wlan
Enable/disable WLAN Service: enable
aplist-wds 0500008043050236  portal wkgbridge on
Radio Mode: off