
Use the uplink command to manage the uplink policer action for this WLANS. The uplink command is accessible from the wlan:<WLAN-service-name>:qos-policy context of the CLI.

After you run the uplink command, run the apply command to implement the changes.

uplink delts | do-nothing


delts Specifies that TSPEC violations will end when they are discovered. This action deletes the TSPEC.
do-nothing Specifies that TSPEC violations are allowed to continue when they are discovered. Data transmissions will continue and no action is taken against the violating transmissions.


This command is only active if the Video and Voice Admission Control is set to enable. See video-admission-control and voice-admission-control.


The following example defines the uplink policer action to end TSPEC violations by deleting the TSPEC for the CNL-7-CP WLANS:

EWC.extremenetworks.com:wlans:CNL-7-CP:qos-policy# uplink delts
EWC.extremenetworks.com:wlans:CNL-7-CP:qos-policy# apply