New topictz

Use the tz command to set the time zone for the Wireless Appliance. The tz command is accessible from within the root context.



The Wireless Appliance reboots when the time zone is changed.
tz continent continent | seqid region region | seqid


continent continent | seqid Indicates the continent. Valid values are continent name or database sequence ID. Use the show-continents command to view a list of continents.
region region | seqid Specifies the region. Valid values are region name or database sequence ID. Use the show-regions command to view a list of regions.


Use the respective show commands to view a list of continents and regions in the database. Configure the time zone using the continent and region name or database sequence ID.

After running tz, run the apply command.


The following is an example of continent values to use when setting the controller time zone: show-continents
Click to expand in new window
Example list of continents
The following is an example of region values to use when setting the controller time zone: show-regions America
Click to expand in new window
Example list of regions (not complete)

The following example sets the controller time zone using the available continent and region information. Set time zone using continent and region name: tz continent America region Lima

Or, set time zone using continent and region sequence ID: tz continent 2 region 86