
Use the wep command to configure WEP privacy settings. The wep command is accessible from the wlan:<WLAN-service-name>:priv context of the CLI.

After you run the wep command, run the apply command to implement the name change.

wep key-length 64|128|152 ((key value) | (pass-phrase strings)) [key-idx (1|2|3|4)]


key-length 64|128|152 Specifies the length of the WEP key (64, 128, or 152 bits)
key value Specifies the WEP key as a hex value
pass-phrase strings Specifies the WEP key as a plain text string
key-idx (1|2|3|4) Specifies the WEP key index


The wep command is available when the privacy mode is set to wep. For more information, see mode.


The following example sets the WEP key to 64 bits in length with a pass phrase string of “Sl==p”:

EWC.extremenetworks.com:wlans:test:priv# wep key-length 64 pass-phrase Sl==p
EWC.extremenetworks.com:wlans:test:priv# apply
EWC.extremenetworks.com:wlans:test:priv# show wep
Static Keys(WEP):
    WEP key length: 64
    Input method: input string
    WEP string: Sl==p