Configuring ToS/DSCP Marking

To configure ToS/DSCP marking:

  1. From the Class of Service General tab, click ToS/DSCP Marking.
  2. Click the Select button.
    The ToS/DSCP Configuration dialog displays:
    Click to expand in new window


    Select either Type of Service (ToS) or Diffserv Codepoint (DSCP) from this dialog. You cannot configure both types.
  3. If you select Type of Service (ToS):
    1. Select a Precedence value from the drop-down list.
    2. Select a specific ToS from the following list:
      • Delay Sensitive
      • High Throughput
      • High Reliability
      • Explicit Congestion Notification
  4. If you select Diffserv Codepoint (DSCP):
    • Choose a Well-known Value, or
    • Enter a Raw Binary Value
  5. Close the Configuration dialog.
  6. The logic used to find the final User Priority (UP) depends on the CoS, the received UP, or the final ToS/DSCP value. Here are the steps followed to determine the final UP:

  7. Use UP markings defined in CoS (directly or via Legacy UP override).
  8. If still no UP, use UP from the received packet.
  9. If still no UP, use DSCP marking defined in CoS and map to UP with WLANs DSCP-to-UP mapping table.
  10. If still no UP, use received DSCP value and map to UP with WLANs DSCP-to-UP mapping table.