View All Configured Switched UNI I-SIDs

Perform this procedure to view all the configured Switched UNI I-SIDs including their types, ports, and MLTs.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View all configured CVLAN, T-UNI, and S-UNI based I-SIDs:

    show i-sid

  3. View all S-UNI I-SIDs.

    show i-sid [elan]

  4. View all associated MLT on the S-UNI I-SID.

    show mlt i-sid [MLT ID <1–512>]

  5. View all associated ports on the S-UNI I-SID.

    show interface gigabitethernet i-sid {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}

  6. View all IS-IS SPBM multicast FIB entries.

    show isis spbm multicast-fib detail


View all configured I-SIDs.

Switch:1#show i-sid 
                                      Isid Info
ISID    ISID                PORT             MLT          ORIGIN              ISID
ID      TYPE      VLANID    INTERFACES       INTERFACES                       NAME
27        ELAN     N/A      c4000:1/1,2/11     -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-27                     
38        ELAN     N/A      c4000:1/2,2/22     -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-38                     
270       ELAN     N/A      c4001:1/1,2/11     -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-270                    
307       ELAN     N/A      c307:1/5,2/5       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-307                    
308       ELAN     N/A      c308:1/6,2/6       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-308                    
309       ELAN     N/A      c309:1/1,2/1       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-309                    
310       ELAN     N/A      c310:1/2,2/2       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-310                    
311       ELAN     N/A      c311:1/3,2/3       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-311                    
312       ELAN     N/A      c312:1/4,2/4       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-312                    
317       ELAN     N/A      c317:1/7,2/7       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-317                    
318       ELAN     N/A      c318:1/8,2/8       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-318                    
319       ELAN     N/A      c319:1/9,2/9       -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-319                    
320       ELAN     N/A      c320:1/10,2/10     -          C  ---  -  ---  -   ISID-320                    

--More-- (q = quit)
c: customer vid   u: untagged-traffic

13 out of 79 Total Num of i-sids displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

View all S-UNI I-SIDs.

Switch:1>show i-sid elan

                                    Isid Info
ISID      ISID              PORT               MLT         ORIGIN                    ISID
ID        TYPE     VLANID   INTERFACES         INTERFACES                            NAME
27        ELAN     N/A      c4000:1/1,2/11     -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-27
38        ELAN     N/A      c4000:1/2,2/22     -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-38
270       ELAN     N/A      c4001:1/1,2/11     -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-270
307       ELAN     N/A      c307:1/5,2/5       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-307
308       ELAN     N/A      c308:1/6,2/6       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-308
309       ELAN     N/A      c309:1/1,2/1       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-309
310       ELAN     N/A      c310:1/2,2/2       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-310
311       ELAN     N/A      c311:1/3,2/3       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-311
312       ELAN     N/A      c312:1/4,2/4       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-312
317       ELAN     N/A      c317:1/7,2/7       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-317
318       ELAN     N/A      c318:1/8,2/8       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-318
319       ELAN     N/A      c319:1/9,2/9       -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-319
320       ELAN     N/A      c320:1/10,2/10     -           C  ---  -  ---  -         ISID-320

--More-- (q = quit)

c: customer vid    u: untagged-traffic

13 out of 77 Total Num of Elan displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

View all associated MLT on the S-UNI I-SID.

Switch:1>show mlt i-sid
                                  MLT Isid Info
                  ISID                     ISID                         ISID
MLTID   IFINDEX   ID     VLANID   C-VID    TYPE      ORIGIN             NAME      BPDU
3       6146      3      N/A      33       ELAN      C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-3
1 out of 1 Total Num of i-sid endpoints displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

View all associated ports on the S-UNI I-SID.

Switch:1#show interface gigabitEthernet i-sid
                           PORT Isid Info
                ISID                   ISID                        ISID              MAC
1/1     192     27       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-27           FALSE
1/1     192     270      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-270          FALSE
1/1     192     309      N/A    309    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-309          FALSE
1/1     192     401      N/A    401    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-401          FALSE
1/1     192     1001     N/A    1001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1001         FALSE
1/1     192     1111     N/A    1111   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1111         FALSE
1/1     192     1121     N/A    1121   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1121         FALSE
1/1     192     1201     N/A    1201   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1201         FALSE
1/1     192     2001     N/A    2001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-2001         FALSE
1/2     193     38       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-38           FALSE
1/2     193     310      N/A    310    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-310          FALSE
1/2     193     380      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-380          FALSE
1/2     193     402      N/A    402    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-402          FALSE

13 out of 152 Total Num of i-sid endpoints displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

View all IS-IS SPBM multicast FIB entries.

Switch:1#show isis spbm multicast-fib detail
                           SPBM MULTICAST FIB ENTRY DETAIL INFO
                                                  NAME    INTERFACES      INTERFACE
03:77:77:00:0b:b8  3000     1001  0000.beb0.0007  BEB-07   MLT-1          1/2         0    
03:77:77:00:0f:a0  4000     1001  0000.beb0.0007  BEB-07   c40:1/3        1/2         400  
03:77:77:00:13:92  5010     1001  0000.beb0.0007  BEB-07   c50:1/3        1/2         500  
03:88:88:00:0b:b8  3000     1001  0000.beb0.0008  BEB-08   MLT-1          1/2         0    
03:88:88:00:0f:a0  4000     1001  0000.beb0.0008  BEB-08   c40:1/3        1/2         400  
Total number of SPBM MULTICAST FIB entries 157

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the i-sid command.




Displays only all the Elan (S-UNI based) I-SIDs.

MLT ID <1–512>

Specifies the MLT associated with the Switched UNI I-SID.


Specifies the ports associated with the Switched UNI I-SID.