Restarting the platform

Before you begin



The command mode is key for this command. If you are logged on to a different command mode, such as Global Configuration mode, rather than Privileged EXEC mode, different options appear for this command.

About this task

Restart the switch to implement configuration changes or recover from a system failure. When you restart the system, you can specify the boot config file name. If you do not specify a boot source and file, the boot command uses the configuration files on the primary boot device defined by the boot config choice command.

After the switch restarts normally, it sends a cold trap within 45 seconds after the restart.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Restart the switch:

    boot [config WORD<1–99>] [-y]



    If you enter the boot command with no arguments, you cause the switch to start using the current boot choices defined by the boot config choice command.

    If you enter a boot command and the configuration file name without the directory, the device uses the configuration file from /intflash/.


Switch:1> enable

Restart the switch:

Switch:1# boot config /intflash/config.cfg

Switch:1# Do you want to continue? (y/n)

Switch:1# Do you want to continue? (y/n) y

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the boot command.



config WORD<1–99>

Specifies the software configuration device and file name in one of the following formats:

  • /intflash/ <file>

The file name, including the directory structure, can include up to 99 characters.


Suppresses the confirmation message before the switch restarts. If you omit this parameter, you must confirm the action before the system restarts.