ExtremeCloud IQ Agent Configuration Considerations

The following configuration considerations apply to ExtremeCloud IQ Agent:
  • SSH and SSH password authenticaton is required.

    boot config flag ssh is enabled when ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is enabled. boot config flag ssh cannot be disabled while ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is enabled.

  • SNMP is required.

    boot config flag block-snmp is disabled when ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is enabled. boot config flag block-snmp cannot be enabled while ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is enabled.

  • High Secure mode disables ExtremeCloud IQ Agent automatically. ExtremeCloud IQ Agent must be enabled manually when this mode is enabled.
  • ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is not supported in Enhanced Secure mode.
  • An IP address that corresponds to the ExtremeCloud IQ pool can appear in the NTP list. The IP does not try to synchronize if NTP is globally disabled on the switch. If NTP is enabled, you can see synchronization failure messages if the IP for the pool is blocked or is unreachable. As a best practice, if you have issues connecting to the cloud, check the clock on the switch and if it is incorrect, resolve this by either configuring an NTP server or manually configuring the correct time.



You must configure a Segmented Management Instance to use ExtremeCloud IQ Agent. For more information, see Segmented Management.

For information about onboarding switches, see https://www.extremenetworks.com/support/documentation/extremecloud-iq/.