Generating keys requires that you have free space on the flash. A typical configuration requires less than 2 kbyte of free space. Before you generate a key, verify that you have sufficient space on the flash, using the dir command. If the flash is full when you attempt to generate a key, an error message appears and the key is not generated. You must delete some unused files and regenerate the key.
If you remove only the public keys, enabling the SSH does not create new public keys.
SSHv2 password authentication uses the same login and password authentication mechanism as Telnet. The SSHv2 client also supports DSA public key authentication compatible with the switch SSHv2 server and Linux SSHv2 server for SSHv2.
If the switch is the client, use the following table to locate the DSA user key files for DSA authentication for user access level rwa.
SSH server |
SSH client side |
SSH server side |
switch with enhanced secure mode disabled |
Private and public keys by access level:
Public keys on the server side based on access level:
switch with enhanced secure mode enabled |
Private and public keys by access role level:
Public keys on the server side based on access level:
Linux with Open SSH |
~/.ssh/id_dsa (private key) file permission 400 ~/.ssh/ (public key) file permission 644 |
~/.ssh/authorized_keys (public key) file |
ERS 8600/8800 |
— |
/flash/.ssh/dsa_key_rwa (public key) |
When you attempt to make an SSH connection from the switch, the SSHv2 client looks in its own internal flash for the public key pair files. If the key files exist, the SSHv2 client prompts you for the passphrase to decrypt the key files. If the passphrase is correct, the SSHv2 client initiates the DSA key authentication to the remote SSHv2 server. The SSHv2 client looks for the login user access level public key file on the SSHv2 server to process and validate the public key authentication. If the DSA authentication is successful, then the SSHv2 session is established.
If no matching user key pair files exist on the client side when initiating the SSHv2 session, or if the DSA authentication fails, you are automatically prompted for a password to attempt password authentication.
If the remote SSHv2 server is a Linux system, the server looks for the login user public key file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys by default for DSA authentication. For a Linux SSHv2 client, the user DSA key pair files are located in the user home directory as ~/.ssa/id_dsa and ~/.ssa/