Configure the Certificate Authority

Use this procedure to configure the certificate authority (CA) and perform related actions. You can configure only one CA in a device at a time.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Security > Control Path.
  2. Click Certificate.
  3. Click the CA tab.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. In the Name field, type a user-defined name of the CA.
  6. In the CommonName field, type the common name of the CA.
  7. In the KeyName field, type the name of the associated key pair.
  8. Complete the remaining optional configuration to customize the policy.
  9. Click Insert.
  10. Optional: Click Retry Action if the trustpoint CA certificate authentication fails or takes time for authentication. This can be done only when the selected Action is caauth.

CA field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the CA tab.




Specifies the user-defined name referring to the Certificate Authority issuing the Digital Certificate.


Specifies the Common Name of the Certificate Authority issuing the Digital Certificate.


Specifies the name of the associated key pair.


Specifies the URL of the Certificate Authority issuing the Digital Certificate.


Specifies the action the Certificate Authority can take:

  • noop — no operation

  • caauth — CA authentication

  • enroll — certificate enrolment request

  • renew — certificate renew request

  • remove — remove the subject certificate obtained online from the CA

  • install — install the subject certificate obtained online from the CA

  • getCrl — retrieve the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the CRL Distribution Point (CDP).


Specifies the challenge password required to perform the SCEP operation.


Specifies the status of the last action:
  • none - No action is performed yet

  • success - Execution of the action triggered is completed successfully

  • failed - Execution of the action triggered has failed

  • inProgress - Execution of the action triggered is in progress


Specifies the reason of failure for the last action performed by the Certificate Authority.


Specifies the certificate file obtained offline from the Root Certificate Authority.


Specifies the number of days for which subject certificate will remain valid.

The default value is 365 days.


Specifies the HTTP request type: URL or POST.

TRUE for EJBCA and FALSE for Win2012 CA



Exception: not supported on VSP 8600 Series.

Specifies an encrypted fingerprint of the expected certificate to match.