View and Delete Debug Files

Use this procedure to view and delete debug files.

Delete debug files to free space in the intflash, which has 2 GB of space. As a best practice, delete these files to ensure enough space exists in intflash. New debug files do not overwrite old debug files. You must remove the file; otherwise, enough free space may not exist in the intflash to store the core dump if the switch fails or enough space may not exist for you to transfer a new release to the intflash of the switch to upgrade your switch.

The debug-file remove command can delete the following types of files:

  • core

  • archive

  • PMEM

  • dmalloc

  • flrec

  • wd_stats

If you want to delete a specific file, you must use the remove command. For more information, see Command Line Interface Commands Reference for VOSS.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. View debug files:

    show debug-file [all][{slot[-slot][,...]]

  3. Delete debug files:

    debug-file remove [all][{slot[-slot][,...]]

  4. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  5. View core files:

    show core-files {slot[-slot][,...]]


The following example shows how you view all debug files for all slots, and then remove the debug files for slot 1.

Switch>show debug-file 

                                   Core Files
Directory: /intflash/coreFiles/1
1.  File:    core.logServer.20120611084204.1.tar
    Size:    60928 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 08:42:04 2012
2.  File:    core.trcServer.20120611084213.1.tar
    Size:    60928 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 08:42:13 2012
3.  File:    core.logServer.20120611164647.1.tar
    Size:    64000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:46:48 2012
4.  File:    core.trcServer.20120611164652.1.tar
    Size:    64000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:46:52 2012
5.  File:    core.dbgServer.20120611164700.1.tar
    Size:    64000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:47:01 2012
6.  File:    core.logServer.20120611164740.1.tar
    Size:    64000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:47:41 2012

Remote CP Directory: /intflash/coreFiles/2
1.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085548.2.tar
    Size:    1162240 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:55:49 2012
2.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085602.2.tar
    Size:    478208 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:56:02 2012
3.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085553.2.tar
    Size:    1170432 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:55:56 2012
4.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085558.2.tar
    Size:    1883136 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:56:00 2012

                                 Archive Files
Directory: /intflash/archive/1
1.  File:    archive.20120611083021.1.tar
    Size:    34296320 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 08:30:22 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611163454.1.tar
    Size:    31108096 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:34:54 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164354.1.tar
    Size:    31792128 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:43:55 2012
4.  File:    archive.20120611164507.1.tar
     Size:    31881216 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:08 2012

Remote CP Directory: /intflash//archive/2
1.  File:    archive.20120611163507.2.tar
    Size:    30903296 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:08 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164408.2.tar
    Size:    31314432 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:09 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164521.2.tar
    Size:    31367168 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:21 2012

Directory: /intflash/archive/4
1.  File:    archive.20120611163515.4.tar
    Size:    4725760 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:18 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164416.4.tar
    Size:    5639168 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:20 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164529.4.tar
    Size:    5760000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:33 2012

Directory: /intflash/archive/SF4
1.  File:    archive.20120611163536.SF4.tar
    Size:    1550336 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:40 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164436.SF4.tar
    Size:    1781248 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:39 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164549.SF4.tar
    Size:    1811968 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:53 2012

                                   PMEM Files
Directory: /intflash/PMEM/4
1.  File:    pmem.20120607194023.4.bin.gz
    Size:    571048 bytes
    Created: Thu Jun  7 19:40:23 2012

                                 DMalloc Files

                                  Flrec Files

                                 WdStats Files
Directory: /intflash/wd_stats/4
1.  File:    wd_stats.log.backup
    Size:    2311 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 09:25:07 2012

Switch>debug-file remove 1
Switch>show debug-file

                                   Core Files
Remote CP Directory: /intflash/coreFiles/2
1.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085548.2.tar
    Size:    1162240 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:55:49 2012
2.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085602.2.tar
    Size:    478208 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:56:02 2012
3.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085553.2.tar
    Size:    1170432 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:55:56 2012
4.  File:    core.coreManager.x.20120612085558.2.tar
    Size:    1883136 bytes
    Created: Tue Jun 12 08:56:00 2012

                                 Archive Files
Remote CP Directory: /intflash//archive/2
1.  File:    archive.20120611163507.2.tar
    Size:    30903296 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:08 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164408.2.tar
    Size:    31314432 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:09 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164521.2.tar
    Size:    31367168 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:21 2012

Directory: /intflash/archive/4
1.  File:    archive.20120611163515.4.tar
    Size:    4725760 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:18 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164416.4.tar
    Size:    5639168 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:20 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164529.4.tar
    Size:    5760000 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:33 2012

Directory: /intflash/archive/SF4
1.  File:    archive.20120611163536.SF4.tar
    Size:    1550336 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:35:40 2012
2.  File:    archive.20120611164436.SF4.tar
    Size:    1781248 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:44:39 2012
3.  File:    archive.20120611164549.SF4.tar
    Size:    1811968 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 16:45:53 2012

                                   PMEM Files
Directory: /intflash/PMEM/4
1.  File:    pmem.20120607194023.4.bin.gz
    Size:    571048 bytes
    Created: Thu Jun  7 19:40:23 2012

                                 DMalloc Files

                                  Flrec Files

                                 WdStats Files
Directory: /intflash/wd_stats/4
1.  File:    wd_stats.log.backup
    Size:    2311 bytes
    Created: Mon Jun 11 09:25:07 2012

The following example shows how to view only core files on the switch.

Switch#show core-files
                                   Core Files
Directory: /intflash/coreFiles/1
1.  File:    core.1353113115.lifecycle.CP.1.gz
    Size:    139406 bytes
    Created: Fri Nov 16 19:45:15 2012
2.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20121114043335.1.tar
    Size:    14059520 bytes
    Created: Wed Nov 14 04:35:36 2012
3.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20121114045202.1.tar
    Size:    12809728 bytes
    Created: Wed Nov 14 04:54:03 2012
4.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20121114050825.1.tar
    Size:    12638720 bytes
    Created: Wed Nov 14 05:10:26 2012
5.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20121114122506.1.tar
    Size:    13020160 bytes
    Created: Wed Nov 14 12:27:07 2012
6.  File:    core.1353336274.lifecycle.CP.1.gz
    Size:    139390 bytes
    Created: Mon Nov 19 09:44:34 2012
7.  File:    core.1353319337.lifecycle.CP.1.gz
    Size:    139404 bytes
    Created: Mon Nov 19 05:02:17 2012
8.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20130122182946.1.tar
    Size:    13683712 bytes
    Created: Tue Jan 22 18:32:08 2013
9.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20130220143809.1.tar
    Size:    13969920 bytes
    Created: Wed Feb 20 14:38:10 2013
10.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20130225155025.1.tar
    Size:    13526016 bytes
    Created: Mon Feb 25 15:50:25 2013
11.  File:    core.cbcp-main.x.20130225155407.1.tar
    Size:    12674560 bytes
    Created: Mon Feb 25 15:54:07 2013

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show core-files command.




Displays the core files for the slot that you select.

The following table defines parameters for the show debug-file command.




Displays all types of debug files


Displays debug files for the slot that you select. If you do not select a slot number, the device displays all types of the archived debug files present in a slot by slot basis. If you select a slot number, the device only displays archived files for the slot you select.

The following table defines parameters for the debug-file remove command.




Removes all types of debug files in all slots.

If you use the option all with the remove debug-file command, then the device deletes all types of debug files, including the latest debug files.



Exception: only supported on VSP 8600 Series.

Removes debug files for the slot that you select.

When you clear archived files, if you do not select a slot number, the device deletes all types of archived debug files except the latest file in each slot.

Valid slots are 1–12, SF1–SF6, and all.