Configuring advanced VLAN features

Use advanced VLAN features to configure the VLAN name, aging time, VLAN operation action, and QoS level. The VLAN Operation Action parameter can be useful for troubleshooting.

You can also configure a DvR Gateway IPv4 address on a VLAN, and enable DvR on it.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand the following folders: Configuration > VLAN.
  2. Click VLANs.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Configure the parameters as required by double-clicking fields to make changes.

    You cannot make changes to fields that appear dim.

  5. Click Apply.

Advanced Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Advanced tab.




Specifies the VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4059. By default, VLAN IDs 1 to 4059 are configurable and the system reserves VLAN IDs 4060 to 4094 for internal use. On switches that support the vrf-scaling and spbm-config-mode boot configuration flags, if you enable these flags, the system also reserves VLAN IDs 3500 to 3998. VLAN ID 1 is the default VLAN and you cannot create or delete VLAN ID 1.


Specifies the name of the VLAN.


Specifies the logical interface index assigned to the VLAN.


Specifies the type of VLAN:

  • byPort

  • byProtocolId

  • spbm-bvlan

  • private


Specifies the I-SID number assigned to a customer VLAN (C-VLAN). The range is 0 – 16777215. The default value is 0, which indicates that no I-SID is assigned.

Isid Name


This field does not apply to all hardware platforms.

Specifies the name of the I-SID.


Specifies the network protocol for protocol-based VLANs.

If the VLAN type is not protocol-based, None is displayed in the Basic tab ProtocolId field.


Specifies the timeout period for dynamic VLAN membership. A potential VLAN port is made ACTIVE after it receives a packet that matches the VLAN; if no such packet is received for AgingTime seconds, the port is no longer active. The default is 600.


Specifies the MAC address assigned to the virtual router interface for this VLAN. This field is relevant only after the VLAN is configured for routing. This MAC address is used as the Source MAC in routed frames and ARP replies.

Vlan Operation Action

Performs an operation on the VLAN. The values are:

  • none

  • flushMacFdb: Configures action to flushMacFdb. This action removes the learned MAC addresses from the forwarding database for the selected VLAN.

  • flushArp: Configures action to flushArp. This action removes the ARP entries from the address table for the selected VLAN.

  • flushIp: Configures action to flushIp. This action removes the learned IP addresses from the forwarding table for the selected VLAN.

  • flushDynMemb: Configures action to flushDynMemb. This action removes port members not configured as static from the list of active port members of a policy-based VLAN and removes MAC addresses learned on those ports.

  • all: Configures action to all. This action performs all the supported actions; it does not perform the Snoop-related actions.

The default is none.


Specifies the result code after you perform an action.


Enables or disables Microsoft Network Load Balancing (NLB) operations on the VLAN. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables Multicast over Fabric Connect. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables SPB-PIM Gateway Multicast on a VLAN. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables Remote Monitoring (RMON) on the interface. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables IPv6 dhcp snooping on a VLAN. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables neighbor discovery (ND) inspection on a VLAN. The default is disabled.


Enables or disables DvR on a VLAN that is configured on the DvR Controller. The default is disabled.


You must enable DvR on every VLAN that is configured on a DvR Controller.


Specifies the DvR gateway IPv4 address for a VLAN.


Ensure that you configure the same gateway IPv4 address on all Controllers in the DvR domain that belong to a VLAN.


Enables or disables the DvR One IP for a VLAN. The default is disabled (false).