Configure ACE Actions
Configure ACE actions to determine the process that occurs after a packet matches (or does not match) an ACE. Use debug actions (flags) to use filters for troubleshooting and monitoring procedures.
Before you begin
The ACE exists.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select Advanced Filters (ACE/ACLs).
- Select the ACL tab.
- Select the appropriate ACL.
- Select ACE.
- Select an AceId.
- Select Action.
- Configure the actions as required, and then select Apply.
Action field descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the Action tab.

The table lists the options for both Security ACEs and QoS ACEs. Dependent upon the ACE, different options appear on the EDM interface.
Name |
Description |
AclId |
Specifies the ACL ID. |
AceId |
Specifies the ACE ID. |
Mode |
Configures the action mode for security ACEs. The default value is deny. |
RemarkDscp |
Specifies the new Per-Hop Behavior (PHB) for matching packets: phbcs0, phbcs1, phbaf11, phbaf12, phbaf13, phbcs2, phbaf21, phbaf22, phbaf23, phbcs3, phbaf31, phbaf32, phbaf33, phbcs4, phbaf41, phbaf42, phbaf43, phbcs5, phbef, phbcs6, phbcs7. This action is a QoS action. |
RemarkDot1Priority |
Specifies the new 802.1 priority bit for matching packets: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, or seven. This action is a QoS action. |
InternalQoS |
This variable is a QoS action.The default value is 1. |
RedirectNextHop |
Specifies the next-hop IPv4 address (a.b.c.d) or IPv6 address (aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff:gggg:hhhh) for redirect mode. Applies to ingress ACLs (routed and L2 packets). |
Count |
Enables the ability to count matching packets. Use this parameter with either a security or QoS ACE. The default is disabled. |
DstPortList |
Configures mirroring to a destination port or ports. This action is a security action. |
DstMltId |
Configures mirroring to a destination MLT. This action is a security action. |
MonitoringIsidOffset |
Configures the monitoring I-SID offset value. The offset ID is mapped to the actual monitor I-SID value to which the packets are mirrored. |
MirroringQoS |
Defines the Quality of Service (QoS) profiles for the mirrored packet into monitoring I-SID. |