Enabling IPFIX Globally

About this task

IPFIX allows you to monitor IPv4 traffic flows. Use the following procedure to enable IPFIX globally.

The default global state is disabled.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration > IP folders.
  2. Click IPFIX.
  3. Click the Globals tab.
  4. To enable IPFIX, click enable in the ConfState option box.
  5. Optional: To configure an observation domain ID, type a value in the ObservationDomainID field.
  6. Optional: To configure the aging interval, type a value in the AgingInterval field.

Globals Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.




Specifies whether IPFIX is enabled or disabled. The default is disabled.


Specifies a value for the observation domain used to send IPFIX messages. The default is 0 (no observation domain). If the value is 0, data that is sent is not applied to a single observation domain.


Specifies (in seconds) the flow record aging interval. The aging interval determines how long a traffic flow that is no longer being received is retained as a flow. Depending on the hardware platform, the parameter range and default value can vary.

The default varies depending on the platform:

  • 5520 Series - 10 seconds

  • VSP 7400 Series - 40 seconds