Hardware information

To display system status and technical information about the switch hardware components, use the show sys-info command. The command displays several pages of information, including general information about the system (such as location), chassis (type, serial number, and base MAC address), cpld, temperature, power supplies, fans, cards, system errors, port locks, topology status, and message control information.

You can identify a port-licensed switch with its part number. Use the command show sys-info to view the part number of the switch. For the list of part numbers of VSP 7200 Series switches with the option of port licensing, see Installing the Virtual Services Platform 7200 Series.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

show sys-info {card | cpld | fan | led | power | ssd | temperature | uboot | usb}

The following table defines parameters for the show sys-info command.

Table 1. Command parameters




Specifies information about the device. Includes type, serial number, and assembly date.


Not all hardware platforms support removable cards or modules. If a platform does not support removable cards or modules, the output provides information on the chassis as a whole. For more information, see the hardware documentation for your platform.


Specifies information about field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and complex programmable logic devices (CPLD).


This parameter is not supported on all hardware platforms.


Specifies information about installed cooling ports.


Specifies LED information in detail.


Specifies information about installed power supplies.


Specifies information about installed modular Solid State Drives (SSD).


This parameter is not supported on all hardware platforms.


Specifies temperature information.


Specifies uboot details.


Specifies information about cached USB information.

The following examples show partial output from the show sys-info command for various switches. The output for this command will vary on switches because of hardware differences.

The following example shows partial output from the show sys-info command for a VSP 8284XSQ switch.

Switch:1>show sys-info

General Info :

        SysDescr     : VSP-8284XSQ (w.x.y.z)
        SysName      : Switch
        SysUpTime    : 0 day(s), 15:49:09
        SysContact   : http://www.extremenetworks.com/contact/
        SysLocation  : 9 Northeastern Blvd,Salem,NH. 03079

Chassis Info:

        Chassis            : 8284XSQ
        ModelName          : 8284XSQ
        BrandName          : Extreme Networks
        Serial#            : 14JP174C1013
        H/W Revision       : 1
        H/W Config         :
        Part Number        : EC8200A01-E6
        NumSlots           : 2
        NumPorts           : 85
        BaseMacAddr        : b0:ad:aa:43:48:00
        MacAddrCapacity    : 1024
        MgmtMacAddr        : b0:ad:aa:43:48:81
        System MTU         : 1950

Card Info :

        Slot#      CardType          Serial#            Part#             Oper     Admin  Power
                                                                        Status    Status  State
            1       8242XSQ     14JP174C1013     EC8200A01-E6               up        up     on
            2       8242XSQ     14JP174C1013     EC8200A01-E6               up        up     on

Temperature Info :

    CPU Temperature    MAC Temperature   PHY1 Temperature   PHY2 Temperature

                  33                 36                 29                 34

Power Supply Info :

        Ps#1 Status       : UP
        Ps#1 Type         : AC
        Ps#1 Description  : DPS-800RB D
        Ps#1 Serial Number: GWXD1415000060
        Ps#1 Version      : S1F
        Ps#1 Part Number  : 700508298
        Ps#2 Status       : empty

        Total Power Available : 800 watts

Fan Info :

        Fan#1 Status             : up
        Fan#1 Type               : regularSpeed
        Fan#1 FlowType           : front-back

        Fan#2 Status             : up
        Fan#2 Type               : regularSpeed
        Fan#2 FlowType           : front-back
LED Info :

        LED#1 Label  : PWR
        LED#1 Status : GreenSteady

        LED#2 Label  : Status
        LED#2 Status : GreenSteady

        LED#3 Label  : Rps
        LED#3 Status : Off

        LED#4 Label  : Fan
        LED#4 Status : GreenSteady

System Error Info :

        Send Login Success Trap  : false
        Send Authentication Trap  : false
        Error Code                : 0
        Error Severity            : 0

Port Lock Info :

        Status       : off
        LockedPorts  :

Message Control Info :

        Action                 : suppress-msg
        Control-Interval       : 5
        Max-msg-num            : 5
        Status                 : disable

Configuration Operation Info :

         Last Change: 0 day(s), 00:03:30
    Last Vlan Change: 0 day(s), 00:03:30
Last Statistic Reset: 0 day(s), 00:00:00

Current Uboot Info :

 VU-Boot 2012.04-00002-g6fb1c26 (Apr 26 2017 - 13:51:26) bld=17042617

The following example shows the partial output of the show sys-info command on a VSP 7254XSQ switch. The part number EC720003X-E6 indicates it is a port licensed switch.

Switch:1#show sys-info

General Info :

        SysDescr     : VSP-7254XSQ (w.x.y.z)
        SysName      : SF-237:1
        SysUpTime    : 9 day(s), 00:30:59
        SysContact   : support@extremenetworks.com
        SysLocation  : 

Chassis Info:

        Chassis            : 7254XSQ
        Serial#            : 15JP113CF01L
        H/W Revision       : 00
        H/W Config         :
        Part Number        : EC720003X-E6
        NumSlots           : 2
        NumPorts           : 73
        BaseMacAddr        : a4:25:1b:54:9c:00
        MacAddrCapacity    : 1024
        MgmtMacAddr        : a4:25:1b:54:9c:81
        System MTU         : 1950

The following example shows partial output from the show sys-info command for a VSP4900-12MXU-12XE switch.

Switch:1>show sys-info

General Info :

        SysDescr     : VSP-4900-12MXU-12XE (w.x.y.z)
        SysName      : Switch
        SysUpTime    : 1 day(s), 06:14:14
        SysContact   : http://www.extremenetworks.com/contact/
        SysLocation  :

Chassis Info:

        Chassis            : VSP-4900-12MXU-12XE
        ModelName          : VSP-4900-12MXU-12XE
        BrandName          : Extreme Networks.
        Serial#            : 1924F-10300
        H/W Revision       : 01
        H/W Config         :
        Part Number        : 800977-00-01
        NumSlots           : 2
        NumPorts           : 27

        BaseMacAddr        : b0:ad:aa:43:48:00
        MacAddrCapacity    : 1024
        MgmtMacAddr        : b0:ad:aa:43:48:81
        System MTU         : 1950

Card Info :

 Slot#       CardType          Serial#            Part#             Oper   Admin  Power
                                                                   Status  Status  State
  1      VSP4900-12MXU-12XE  19000-10396       800977-00-01           up      up     on

Temperature Info :

              Sensor                  Warning   Critical
         Description   Temperature  Threshold  Threshold
                 CPU            40         78         86
        MAIN BOARD 1            44         57         62
        MAIN BOARD 2            43         59         64
            CPU CORE            32         75         95
                 MAC            69        100        110
                PHY1            41        100        110
                PHY2            40        100        110
                PHY3            43        100        110

                PHY4            50        100        110
                PHY5            53        100        110
                PHY6            53        100        110

Power Supply Info :

        Ps#1 Status       : UP
        Ps#1 Type         : AC
        Ps#1 Description  : Summit 350W AC PSU
        Ps#1 Serial Number: 2400
        Ps#1 Version      : 07
        Ps#1 Part Number  : 800764-00-07

        Ps#2 Status       : empty

        Total Power Available : 350 watts
        Total Power Usage     : 330 watts

Fan Info :

            Description   OperStatus       OperSpeed   AirflowDir
           Tray 1 Fan 1           up        lowSpeed   front-back
           Tray 1 Fan 2           up        lowSpeed   front-back
           Tray 2 Fan 1           up        lowSpeed   front-back
           Tray 2 Fan 2           up        lowSpeed   front-back
           Tray 3 Fan 1           up        lowSpeed   front-back
           Tray 3 Fan 2           up        lowSpeed   front-back

SSD Module Info:
        Product Name      : XN-SSD-001-120
        Vendor Name       : Extreme Networks Inc.
        Manufacture Date  : 09/06/2019 18:16:38
        Serial Num        : 1936F-10000
        Part Num          : 800954-00-AA
        Device Version    : 0
        Total Size        : 120GB

LED Info :

        LED#1 Label  : SYS
        LED#1 Status : GreenSteady

        LED#2 Label  : SPD
        LED#2 Status : Off

        LED#3 Label  : STK
        LED#3 Status : Off

        LED#4 Label  : BT
        LED#4 Status : Off

        LED#5 Label  : P1
        LED#5 Status : GreenSteady

        LED#6 Label  : P2
        LED#6 Status : Off

System Error Info :

        Send Login Success Trap   : false
        Send Authentication Trap  : false
        Error Code                : 0
        Error Severity            : 0

Port Lock Info :

        Status       : off
        LockedPorts  :

Message Control Info :

        Action                 : suppress-msg
        Control-Interval       : 5

        Max-msg-num            : 5
        Status                 : disable

Configuration Operation Info Since Boot Up:
         Last Change: 0 day(s), 00:01:41   (1 day(s), 06:13:22 ago)
    Last Vlan Change: 0 day(s), 00:00:00
Last Statistic Reset: 0 day(s), 00:00:00

Current FPGA/CPLD Info :

         MODULE                  VERSION

         CPU CPLD                : 1.1.18
         SYSTEM FPGA             : 1.2.41
         PORT1 PLD               : 1.1.08

To display port information for a switch, use the show interfaces gigabitethernet command.

On a VSP 7200 Series switch that is port licensed, use the command show interfaces gigabitethernet to view the licensed status of the ports on the switch.

The syntax for this command is as follows:

show interfaces gigabitethernet {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}

The following example shows output for the show interfaces gigabitethernet 1/41 – 1/42 command. Slot and port information can differ depending on hardware platform. For more information, see your hardware documentation.

Switch:1#show interfaces gigabitEthernet 1/41-1/42
											Port Interface															
PORT                      					LINK    PORT              PHYSICAL        		STATUS
1/41  232   40GbNone       true  false    1950  b0:ad:aa:41:34:28 down   down
1/42  233   40GbNone       true  false    1950  b0:ad:aa:41:34:29 down   down

The following example shows the partial output of the show interfaces gigabitethernet command for the VSP 7254XSQ switch. View the LICENSE STATUS field. It can have one of the following values:

Switch:1#show interfaces gigabitEthernet

                                          Port Interface
PORT                        LINK  PORT           PHYSICAL          STATUS         LICENSE
1/1      192   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:00 up     down    n/a
1/2      193   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:01 down   down    n/a
1/3      194   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:02 down   down    n/a
1/4      195   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:03 down   down    n/a
1/5      196   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:04 down   down    n/a
1/6      197   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:05 down   down    n/a
1/7      198   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:06 down   down    n/a
1/8      199   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:07 down   down    n/a
1/9      200   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:08 down   down    n/a
1/10     201   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:09 down   down    n/a
1/11     202   10GbNone         true  true     1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0a up     down    n/a
1/12     203   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0b down   down    n/a
1/13     204   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0c down   down    n/a
1/14     205   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0d up     down    n/a
1/15     206   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0e up     down    n/a
1/16     207   10GbCX           true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:0f up     up      n/a
1/17     208   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:10 down   down    n/a
1/18     209   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:11 down   down    n/a
1/19     210   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:12 down   down    n/a
1/20     211   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:13 down   down    n/a
1/21     212   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:14 up     down    n/a
1/22     213   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:15 up     down    n/a
1/23     214   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:16 down   down    n/a
1/24     215   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:17 up     down    n/a
1/25     216   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:18 down   down    unlocked
1/26     217   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:19 down   down    unlocked
1/27     218   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1a down   down    unlocked
1/28     219   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1b down   down    unlocked
1/29     220   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1c down   down    unlocked
1/30     221   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1d down   down    unlocked
1/31     222   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1e down   down    unlocked
1/32     223   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:1f down   down    unlocked
1/33     224   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:20 down   down    unlocked
1/34     225   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:21 down   down    unlocked
1/35     226   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:22 down   down    unlocked
1/36     227   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:23 down   down    unlocked
1/37     228   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:24 down   down    unlocked
1/38     229   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:25 down   down    unlocked
1/39     230   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:26 down   down    unlocked
1/40     231   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:27 down   down    unlocked
1/41     232   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:28 down   down    unlocked
1/42     233   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:29 down   down    unlocked
1/43     234   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2a down   down    unlocked
1/44     235   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2b down   down    unlocked
1/45     236   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2c down   down    unlocked
1/46     237   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2d down   down    unlocked
1/47     238   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2e down   down    unlocked
1/48     239   10GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:2f down   down    unlocked
2/1      256   40GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:40 up     down    n/a
2/2      260   40GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:44 down   down    n/a
2/3      264   40GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:48 down   down    n/a
2/4      268   40GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:4c down   down    n/a
2/5/1    272   40GbNone-Channel true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:50 down   down    unlocked
2/5/2    273   40GbNone-Channel true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:51 down   down    unlocked
2/5/3    274   40GbNone-Channel true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:52 down   down    unlocked
2/5/4    275   40GbNone-Channel true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:53 down   down    unlocked
2/6      276   40GbNone         true  false    1950  a4:25:1b:54:9c:54 down   down    unlocked