Viewing EAPoL Authenticator Statistics

Use EAPoL Authenticator statistics to display the Authenticator Port Access Entity (PAE) statistics for each selected port.


  1. On the Device Physical View, select the port you want to graph.

    A yellow outline appears around the selected ports

    If you want to select multiple ports, press Ctrl and hold down the key while you click the ports you want to configure. A yellow outline appears around the selected ports.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand the Configuration > Graph folders.
  3. Click Port.
  4. Click EAPOL Stats.
  5. If you selected multiple ports, from the Graph port EAPoL Stats tab Show list, select: Absolute Value, Cumulative, Average/sec, Minimum/sec, Maximum/sec, or LastVal/sec.

EAPOL Stats Field Descriptions

The following table describes values on the EAPOL Stats tab.




Displays the number of EAPoL frames received by this Authenticator in which the frame type is not recognized.


Displays the number of EAPoL frames received by this Authenticator in which the Packet Body Length field is invalid.


Displays the number of EAPoL start frames received by this Authenticator.


Displays the number of EAPoL-EAP frames received by this Authenticator.


Displays the number of EAPoL Logoff frames received by this Authenticator.


Displays the last received version of the EAPoL frame by this Authenticator.


Displays the source MAC address of the last received EAPoL frame by this Authenticator.


Displays the number of EAPoL-EAP frames transmitted by the Authenticator.