Display MKA Participants

About this task

Use the following procedure to display information about all participants in an MKA session. You can also display MKA information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.

About this task



This procedure only applies to VSP 8400 Series.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display information about all participants in an MKA session:

    show macsec mka participant

  3. Optional: Display MKA information for a specific port participating in an MKA session:

    show macsec mka participant {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]} [verbose]


The following example displays information for all participants in an MKA session.

Switch:1(config)#show macsec mka participant

                            MACsec MKA Participants
Port     CA              MKA-Profile       MKA          Actor
Id       Name               Name           Enable       Priority
1/3      CA120022        extreme030519     Enabled         A
1/4      CA121023        extreme031519     Enabled         14
2/2      CA122024        extreme032019     Enabled         1E

The following example displays information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.

Switch:1(config)#show macsec mka participant 1/3

                             MACsec MKA Participant
Port     CA              MKA-Profile       MKA          Actor
Id       Name               Name           Enable       Priority
1/3      CA120022        extreme030519     Enabled         A

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show macsec mka participant command.

Table 1.
Variable Value
{slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.


Displays detailed information for a specific port participating in an MKA session.