System Information

Use the show sys command to display system status and technical information about the switch hardware components and software configuration. The command shows several pages of information, including general information about the system (such as location), chassis (type, serial number, and base MAC address), temperature, power supplies, fans, cards, system errors, port locks, topology status, and message control information. The syntax for this command is as follows.

show sys <control|dns|force-msg|locator-led|mgid-usage|msg-control|mtu|power|priv-exec-password|setting|software|stats|topology-ip|vim-speed>

The following table explains parameters for this command.

Table 1. Command parameters




Shows system control settings.


Specifies the default context for ping and traceroute commands.


Shows the DNS default domain name.


Shows the message control force message pattern settings.


Shows the locator LED status.


Shows the multicast group ID (MGID) usage for VLANs and multicast traffic.


Shows the system message control function status (activated or disabled).


Shows system maximum transmission unit (MTU) information.


Shows power information for the chassis. Command options are:

  • global—power management settings

  • power-supply—power information for each power supply

  • slot—power information for each slot


Shows whether authentication is enabled for the Privileged EXEC CLI command mode.


Shows system settings.


Shows the version of software running on the switch, the last update of that software, and the Boot Config Table. The Boot Config Table lists the current system settings and flags.


Shows system statistics.

This parameter does not apply to all hardware platforms.


Shows the circuitless IP set.


Shows the speed of all ports of the VIM.

The following example shows output from the show sys control command.

Switch:1>show sys control
                            System Control Settings
                 tcp-timestamp : enable
            tcp-keepalive-time : 60
        tcp-keepalive-interval : 10
          tcp-keepalive-probes : 5
           mac-move-protection : on


The tcp-keepalive-time, tcp-keepalive-interval, tcp-keepalive-probes, and mac-move-protection fields are not supported on VSP 8600 Series.

The following example shows output from the show sys dns command. The same output applies from the show ip dns command.

Switch:1>show sys dns           
	DNS Default Domain Name :
	DNS Default Domain Name Origin: DHCP
	DNS Host Name: voss10cdae6bd000
	Primary dynamic DNS server details:
		 IP address :
		 Status     : active
		 Total DNS Number of request made to this server : 0
		 Number of Successful DNS : 0

	Secondary dynamic DNS server details:
		 IP address :
		 Status     : active
		 Total DNS Number of request made to this server : 0
		 Number of Successful DNS : 0

       Tertiary dynamic DNS server details:
		 IP address :
		 Status     : active
		 Total DNS Number of request made to this server : 0
		 Number of Successful DNS : 0

The following example shows output from the show sys mgid-usage command.

Switch:1#show sys mgid-usag
        Number of MGIDs used for VLANs : (6)
        Number of MGIDs used for multicast : (0)
        Number of MGIDs used for SPBM : (0)
        Number of MGIDs remaining for VLANs : (4089)
        Number of MGIDs remaining for multicast : (6976)
        Number of MGIDs remaining for SPBM : (1024)

The following example shows output from the show sys msg-control command.

Switch:1#show sys msg-control

Message Control Info :
        action                  : suppress-msg
        control-interval        : 5
        max-msg-num             : 5
        status                  : disable

The following example shows output from the show sys setting command.

Switch:1#show sys setting

	          udp-checksum : enable
	   mroute-stream-limit : disable
		        contact :
		       location : Anywhere, USA
		           name : Switch
		       portlock : off
	sendAuthenticationTrap : false
		   autotopology : on
	       	     mtu : 1950
		      prototype : disable
     data-path-fault-shutdown : enable
	        secure-console : disable
	  default-ping-context : grt


The default-ping-context field is not supported on VSP 8600 Series.

The following example shows output from the show sys software command.

Command output can vary across hardware models.

Switch:1#show sys software

System Software Info :

Default Runtime Config File : /intflash/config.cfg
Config File :
Last Runtime Config Save : 0

Boot Config Table
Version : Build (GA) on Fri May 30 18:04:13 EDT 2014
PrimaryConfigSource : /intflash/config.cfg
SecondaryConfigSource : /intflash/config.cfg
EnableFactoryDefaults : false
EnableDebugMode : false
EnableRebootOnError : true
EnableTelnetServer : true
EnableRloginServer : false
EnableFtpServer : true
EnableTftpServer : false

The following example shows output from the show sys priv-exec-password command.

Switch:1#show sys priv-exec-password
           Privileged exec password status : enabled