Debug Files

The switch stores debug files in the intflash directory.

The debug file is in a zipped format and contains information to help debug the device, including:

This best practice is to delete these files to ensure enough space exists in the internal flash. New files do not overwrite old files. You must remove the files; otherwise, the internal flash may not have enough free space for necessary activities, for example, to store a core dump file if the switch fails, or you may not have the space to transfer a new release to the internal flash to upgrade your switch.

The switch stores a maximum of 32 files for each debug file for each slot, depending on the file size of each debug file. The internal flash provides 2 GB of storage. A message appears on the console to inform you when less than 700 MB is available.

The debug-file remove command can delete the following types of debug files:

If you want to delete a specific file, you must use the remove command.


The switch does not support SNMP for the show debug-file or the debug-file remove commands.