Displaying Learned LLDP Neighbors

Use this procedure to verify details of the LLDP neighbors learned.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Verify details of LLDP neighbors learned:

    show lldp neighbor

  3. Verify details of LLDP neighbors learned on a specific port:

    show lldp neighbor port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}


The following example shows how two switches—an FA Server and an FA Proxy discover each other as LLDP neighbors. Switch A, which is the FA Server is an VSP 7200 Series switch (model 7254XSQ) and switch B which is the proxy device is an ERS 4826GTS switch.

The following examples shows neighbor discovery on non-channelized and channelized ports (if your platform supports channelization).

On the non-channelized port 1/1 on the FA Server, verify neighbor discovery of the proxy switch.

SwitchA:1#show lldp neighbor 

                                      LLDP Neighbor

Port: 1/1       Index    : 1 
                Time: 1 day(s), 04:03:52   
                ChassisId: MAC Address        70:30:18:5a:05:00
                PortId   : MAC Address        70:30:18:5a:05:07
                SysName  : 
                SysCap   : Br / Br            
                PortDescr: Port 7
                SysDescr : Ethernet Routing Switch 4826GTS HW:10 FW: SW:v6.9.2.027

Total Neighbors : 1
Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
B= Bridge,    D= DOCSIS,    O= Other,     R= Repeater,
S= Station,   T= Telephone, W= WLAN,      r= Router

On the proxy switch, verify discovery of the FA Server switch.

SwitchB:1#show lldp neighbor
                            LLDP neighbor                                      
Port: 7     Index: 71
        Time: 12 days, 21:40:30         
        ChassisId: MAC address        a4:25:1b:52:70:00
        PortId:    MAC address        a4:25:1b:52:70:04
        SysName:   BEB1-7254XSQ
        SysCap:    rB / rB            (Supported/Enabled)
        PortDesc:  Virtual Services Platform 7254XSQ - Gbic1000BaseT Port
        SysDescr:  VSP-7254XSQ ( 
Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router;
T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only.
Total neighbors: 1

On the channelized port 1/1/1 on the FA Server switch, verify discovery of the proxy switch.

SwitchA:1#show lldp neighbor 

                                      LLDP Neighbor

Port: 1/1/1     Index    : 1
                Time: 1 day(s), 04:03:52    
                ChassisId: MAC Address        70:30:18:5a:05:00
                PortId   : MAC Address        70:30:18:5a:05:07
                SysName  : 
                SysCap   : Br / Br            
                PortDescr: Port 7
                SysDescr : FA Proxy 4826GTS HW:10 FW:  SW:v5.9.2.027

Total Neighbors : 1
Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
B= Bridge,    D= DOCSIS,    O= Other,     R= Repeater,
S= Station,   T= Telephone, W= WLAN,      r= Router

Verify neighbor discovery on the proxy switch.

SwitchB:1#show lldp neighbor
                            LLDP neighbor                                      
Port: 7     Index: 71
        Time: 12 days, 21:40:30         
        ChassisId: MAC address        a4:25:1b:52:70:00
        PortId:    MAC address        a4:25:1b:52:70:04
        SysName:   BEB1-7254XSQ
        SysCap:    rB / rB            (Supported/Enabled)
        PortDesc:  Virtual Services Platform 7254XSQ - 40GbCR4-Channel Port
        SysDescr:  VSP-7254XSQ ( 
Sys capability: O-Other; R-Repeater; B-Bridge; W-WLAN accesspoint; r-Router;
T-Telephone; D-DOCSIS cable device; S-Station only.
Total neighbors: 1

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show lldp neighbor command.



port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.

Displays LLDP neighbor information on the specified port.