Slot power details

Use the show sys power slot command to view detailed power information for each slot.

The syntax for this command is as follows.

show sys power slot

The following example shows sample command output.

Switch:1#show sys power slot

                             Slot Power Consumption
Slot     Present CardType            Priority    Power  Allocated
No.                                              Status Power
1        YES     8624XS              CRITICAL    ON     310
2        YES     8624XS              CRITICAL    ON     310
3        YES     8624XT              HIGH        ON     347
4        NO      Not Present         HIGH        OFF    0
5        YES     8606CQ              HIGH        ON     292
6        YES     8606CQ              LOW         ON     292
7        NO      Not Present         HIGH        OFF    0
8        NO      Not Present         HIGH        OFF    0
SF 1     YES     8600SF              CRITICAL    ON     157
SF 1     YES     8600SF              CRITICAL    ON     157
SF 1     YES     8600SF              CRITICAL    ON     157

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