Zero Touch Deployment

Zero Touch Deployment enables a VOSS switch to be deployed automatically with ExtremeCloud IQ but you still must onboard the switch on the ExtremeCloud IQ side. When the switch powers on, the DHCP Client obtains the IP address and gateway from the DHCP Server, and discovers the Domain Name Server, connecting the switch automatically to Extreme Management Center or to ExtremeCloud IQ cloud management applications.

With Zero Touch Deployment, ExtremeCloud IQ Agent is enabled by default.

To use zero touch functionality, your switch must be in a Zero Touch Deployment-ready configuration mode, which means the switch cannot have existing primary or secondary configuration files loaded. Factory shipped switches are Zero Touch Deployment ready because they deploy without configuration files. However, existing switches require manual preparation before Zero Touch Deployment can function.

For more information about preparing your switch for Zero Touch Deployment, see Zero Touch Deployment.