Viewing MACsec Statistics

Perform this procedure to view the MACsec statistics.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View the general MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}]

  3. View the secure-channel inbound MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}] secure-channel inbound

  4. View the secure-channel outbound MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}] secure-channel outbound


Display general MACsec statistics, inbound MACsec statistics, and outbound MACsec statistics:



Slot and port information can differ depending on hardware platform. For more information, see the hardware documentation for your platform.

The switch supports MACsec on specific ports. For more information, see your hardware documentation.



Display inconsistencies might occur for MACsec statisitics when different ports interoperate with one another.

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40

                             MACSEC Port Statistics
        TxUntagged       TxTooLong       RxUntagged      RxNoTag
PortId   Packets          Packets         Packets        Packets
1/40       0               0               0               0         

          RxBadTag      RxUnknown       RxNoSCI       RxOverrun
PortId    Packets       SCIPackets      Packets        Packets
1/40       0               0               0               0         

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40 secure-channel inbound

                 MACSEC Port Inbound Secure Channel Statistics
           UnusedSA     NoUsingSA       Late         NotValid      Invalid
PortId     Packets      Packets        Packets       Packets       Packets
1/40       0               0               0           100037        0            

           Delayed     Unchecked        Ok         Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets      Packets        Pkts      Validated       Decrypted
1/40       0               0               0         53528828      0   
Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40 secure-channel outbound

                 MACSEC Port Outbound Secure Channel Statistics
          Protected      Encrypted      Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets        Packets      Protected       Encrypted
1/40       0               99946           0               53434154