Connect a Terminal

Before you begin

  • To use the console port, you need the following equipment:

    • A terminal or TeleTypewriter (TTY)-compatible terminal, or a portable computer with a serial port and terminal-emulation software.

    • A specific cable with an RJ–45 or USB connector for the console port on the switch. The other end of the cable must use a connector appropriate to the serial port on the computer or terminal.

  • To comply with emissions regulations and requirements, you must shield the cable that connects to the console port.



If you are using the VSP 4900 Series USB console port with a terminal running Windows 10, you must install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver from Silicon Labs before you connect to the terminal.

About this task

Connect a terminal to the serial console interface to monitor and configure the system directly.


  1. Configure the terminal protocol as follows:
    • 9600 baud or 115200 baud, depending on the hardware platform.

    • 8 data bits

    • 1 stop bit

    • No parity

    • No flow control

  2. Connect the RJ–45 or USB cable to the console port on the switch.
  3. Connect the other end of the cable to the terminal or computer serial port.
  4. Turn on the terminal.
  5. Log on to the switch.