View IGMP Interface Information

Use the Interface tab to view the IGMP interface table. You can use this procedure to determine the protocol configured on the added VLAN.

The protocol configured on the added VLAN can be one of the following values:
  • snoop

  • pim

About this task

If an interface does not use an IP address, it does not appear in the IGMP table. If an interface uses an IP address, but neither IGMP snoop or PIM is enabled, the interface appears as inactive in the Status field.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IP.
  2. Click IGMP.
  3. Click the Interface tab.

Interface Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Interface tab.




Shows the interface where IGMP is enabled.


Configures the frequency (in seconds) at which the interface transmits IGMP host query packets. The default is 125.


Shows the IGMP row status. If an interface uses an IP address and PIM-SM is enabled, the status is active. Otherwise, it is notInService.


Configures the version of IGMP (1, 2, or 3) that you want to configure on this interface. For IGMP to function correctly, all routers on a LAN must use the same version. The default is version 2.


Shows the version of IGMP that currently runs on this interface.


Shows the address of the IGMP querier on the IP subnet to which this interface attaches.


Configures the maximum response time (in tenths of a second) advertised in IGMPv2 general queries on this interface. You cannot configure this value for IGMPv1.

Smaller values allow a router to prune groups faster. The default is 100 tenths of a second (equal to 10 seconds.)


You must configure this value lower than the QueryInterval.


Shows the number of queries received with an IGMP version that does not match the interface. You must configure all routers on a LAN to run the same version of IGMP. If the interface receives queries with the wrong version, this value indicates a version mismatch.


Shows the number of times this interface added a group membership, which is the same as the number of times an entry for this interface is added to the cache table. This number gives an indication of the amount of IGMP activity over time.


Tunes for the expected packet loss of a network. This value is equal to the number of expected query packet losses for each serial query interval, plus 1. If you expect a network to lose query packets, increase the robustness value.

The default value of 2 means that the switch drops one query for each query interval without the querier aging out.


Configures the maximum response time (in tenths of a second) inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages. This value is also the time between group-specific query messages. You cannot configure this value for IGMPv1.

Decrease the value to reduce the time to detect the loss of the last member of a group. The range is from 0–255 and the default is 10 tenths of second. As a best practice, configure this parameter to values greater than 3. If you do not need a fast leave process, you can configure values greater than 10. (The value 3 is equal to 0.3 seconds and 10 is equal to 1 second.)

OtherQuerierPresent Timeout

Shows the length of time that must pass before a multicast router determines that no other querier exists. If the local router is the querier, the value is 0.


Configures the flush action to one of the following:
  • none

  • flushGrpMem

  • flushMrouter

  • flushSender


Instructs the router to ignore IGMP packets that do not contain the router alert IP option. If you disable this variable (default configuration), the router processes IGMP packets regardless of the status of the router alert IP option.


To maximize network performance, configure this parameter according to the version of IGMP currently in use.

  • IGMPv1—Disable

  • IGMPv2—Enable

  • IGMPv3—Enable


Enables SSM snoop.


Enables IGMP Layer 2 Querier.


Specifies the pseudo address of the IGMP snoop querier.


Enables or disables IGMPv3 to track hosts for each channel or group. The default is disabled. You must select this field if you want to use fast leave for IGMPv3.


Indicates the protocol configured on the VLAN.

  • snoop — Indicates IGMP snooping is enabled on a VLAN.

  • snoop-spb — Indicates IGMP is enabled on a VLAN with an associated I-SID (IP multicast over Fabric Connect for a Layer 2 VSN).

  • pim — Indicates PIM is enabled.

  • routed-spb — Indicates IP multicast over Fabric Connect is enabled on the Layer 3 VSN or for IP Shortcuts.


Enables Universal Plug and Play (uPnP) Filtering to filter multicast packets destined for a specific range.

The default is disabled.


Indicates the multicast destination IP address to filter on an IGMP-enabled interface.

The default is


Indicates the IGMP uPnP Filtering IP subnet to which this interface is attached.