Triggering a Layer 2 Ping

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 ping, inside an SPBM cloud or network, which acts like native ping. This feature enables CFM to debug Layer 2. It can also help you debug IP shortcuts and the record for the shortcuts‘ ARP.

Before you begin

  • You must have a MEP that is associated with a VLAN.


Trigger a Layer 2 ping:

l2 ping {vlan <1-4059> routernodename WORD<0–255> | vlan <1-4059> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>} [burst-count <1–200>] [data-tlv-size <0–400>] [frame-size <64–1500>] [priority <0–7>] [source-mode <nodal|noVlanMac|smltVirtual>] [testfill-pattern <all-zero|all-zero-crc|pseudo-random-bit-sequence|pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc>] [time-out <1–10>]

l2 ping {ip-address WORD<0–255>} [burst-count <1–200>] [data-tlv-size <0–400>] [frame-size <64–1500>] [priority <0–7>] [source-mode <nodal|noVlanMac|smltVirtual>] [testfill-pattern <all-zero|all-zero-crc|pseudo-random-bit-sequence|pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc>] [time-out <1–10>] [vrf WORD<1–16>]


Switch:1# l2 ping vlan 2 mac

Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort    
----00:14:0d:bf:a3:df  L2 PING Statistics----  0(68) bytes of data  
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received,   100.00% packet loss  

Switch:1# l2 ping vlan 2 routernodename MONTI0

Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort  

----00:14:0d:a2:b3:df    L2 PING Statistics----  0(68) bytes of data 
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received,  0.00% packet loss
  round-trip (us)        min/max/ave/stdv =  26895/26895/26895.00/ 0.00 

Switch:1# l2 ping ip-address

Please wait for l2ping to complete or press any key to abort  

L2 PING  Statistics : IP, paths found 1, paths attempted 1 
VLAN NEXT HOP                               PKTS  PKTS  LOSS     MIN/MAX/AVE
2  SHAMIM        (00:1a:8f:08:53:df)  1     0     100.00%  0/0/0.00 

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters to configure the L2 ping parameters.



{vlan <1-4059> routernodename WORD<0–255> }

(vlan <1-4059> mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00> }

{ip-address WORD<0–255> }

Specifies the destination for the L2 ping:

  • <1-4059> — Specifies the VLAN ID.

  • WORD<0–255> — Specifies the Router node name.

  • <XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX> — Specifies the MAC address.

  • <A.B.C.D> — Specifies the IP address.

burst-count <1–200>

Specifies the burst count.

data-tlv-size <0–400>

Specifies the data TLV size. The default is 0.

frame-size <64–1500> ]

Specifies the frame size. The default is 0.

testfill-pattern <all-zero|all-zero-crc|pseudo-random-bit-sequence|pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc>

Specifies the testfill pattern:

  • all-zero — null signal without cyclic redundancy check

  • all-zero-crc — null signal with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial

  • pseudo-random-bit-sequence — pseudo-random-bit-sequence without cyclic redundancy check

  • pseudo-random-bit-sequence-crc — pseudo-random-bit-sequence with cyclic redundancy check with 32-bit polynomial.

A cyclic redundancy check is a code that detects errors.

The default is all-zero.

priority <0–7>

Specifies the priority. The default is 7.

time-out <1–10>

Specifies the interval in seconds. The default is 3.


Specifies the source mode:

  • 1: nodal

  • noVlanMac — Use this value with C-VLAN only. When you select this option, even if a VLAN MAC address exists, the system uses the CFM C-MAC as the BMAC-SA.

  • 2: smltVirtual—Use this value with B-VLANs only.

The default is 1: nodal.

vrf WORD<1–16>

Specifies the VRF name.