Configure Logical Interface Tunnel on Fabric IPsec Gateway VM

About this task

Perform this procedure to configure a Fabric Extend (FE) tunnel with only fragmentation and reassembly capabilities, on the Fabric IPsec Gateway Virtual Machine (VM).


  1. Enter Fabric IPsec Gateway Configuration mode:


    virtual-service WORD<1-128> console



    Type CTRL+Y to exit the console.

  2. Configure the logical interface destination IP address for the specific tunnel:

    set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> fe-tunnel-dest-ip {A.B.C.D}

  3. Configure the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for the specific tunnel:

    set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> mtu <750-9000>



    The MTU range <750-9000> is applicable for FE tunnels with only fragmentation and reassembly capabilities.

  4. Configure tunnel name:

    set logical-intf-tunnel <1-255> tunnel-name WORD <1-64>


Configuring logical interface tunnel on Fabric IPsec Gateway VM:
Switch:1> enable
Switch:1# virtual-service figw console
Connected to domain figw
Escape character is ^Y

FIGW> set logical-intf-tunnel 2 fe-tunnel-dest-ip
FIGW> set logical-intf-tunnel 2 mtu 1300
FIGW> set logical-intf-tunnel 2 tunnel-name Tunnel-to-BEB2

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the set logical-intf-tunnel command.

Variable Value
<1-255> Specifies the unique ID for the logical interface tunnel.
fe-tunnel-dest-ip {A.B.C.D} Specifies the FE tunnel destination IP address for the logical interface.
mtu <750-9000> Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value for the FE tunnel with only fragmentation and assembly capabilities.
tunnel-name WORD <1-64> Specifies a name for the the logical interface tunnel.