Display MKA Statistics



This procedure only applies to VSP 8400 Series.


  1. To enter User EXEC mode, log on to the switch.
  2. Display MKA statistics for a specific port:

    show macsec mka statistics {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}


The following example displays MACsec MKA statistics for a port.

Switch:1>show macsec mka statistics 3/5
                       MKPDU Statistics on interface 3/5
         MKPDUs Validated & Rx           : 1630
         Rx Distributed SAK              : 2
         MKPDUs Transmitted              : 1694
         Tx Distributed SAK              : 0


Variable Definitions

Use the data in the following table to use the show macsec mka statistics command.

Table 1.
Variable Value
{slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.