Enabling or disabling SPBM at the global level

Use the following procedure to enable or disable SPBM at the global level. SPBM uses the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) link state routing protocol to provide a loop free Ethernet topology that creates a shortest path topology from every node to every other node in the network based on node MAC addresses.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IS-IS.
  2. Click SPBM.
  3. Click the Globals tab.
  4. To enable or disable SPBM, click enable or disable in the GlobalEnable field.
  5. To configure the global ethertype value, click the desired option in the GlobalEtherType field.
  6. Click Apply.

Globals Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.




Enables or disables SPBM globally. The default is disabled.

To ensure proper cleanup of MAC tables after you disable SPBM, save the configuration, and then reboot the switch.


Specifies the global ethertype value as 0x8100 or 0x88a8. The default value is 0x8100.



Exception: not supported on VSP 8600 Series or XA1400 Series.

Enables or disables the nickname server. The default is disabled.



Exception: not supported on VSP 8600 Series or XA1400 Series.

Displays the Dynamic Nickname Allocation service operational status. This value is read-only.



Exception: not supported on VSP 8600 Series or XA1400 Series.

Specifies the nickname allocation range for Dynamic Nickname Assignment. Select none to use the range 0.00.00-0.0F.FF. The default is rangeA (A.00.00 to A.FF.FF).



Exception: not supported on VSP 8600 Series or XA1400 Series.

Specifies the nickname server allocation prefix. x.xx.xx uses the form X.X0.00 from 0.00.00 to F.F0.00. A group, X.X0.00 to X.XF.FF, can provide up to 4,096 nicknames. The default nickname allocation range is A.00.00-A.FF.FF.