Fabric Extend View in EFO

The Fabric Extend view within Extreme Fabric Orchestrator (EFO) provides a graphical management interface for administrators to configure and monitor fabric extensions.



Although the Fabric Extend view is not required, as a best practice, include this element in your Fabric Extend solution.

Every Fabric Extend network deployment involves creating numerous bidirectional tunnels. The Fabric Extend view in EFO automates the provisioning of these tunnels by creating Fabric Extend domains. When you add nodes to a Fabric Extend domain, the Fabric Extend view automatically creates tunnels between the nodes belonging to the same domain. The Fabric Extend view also ensures error-free bidirectional tunnel provisioning and decommissioning, if required.

Fabric Extend view functions

Fabric Extend view provides the following functions:

Fabric Extend domains

There are two types of Fabric Extend domains:

Point-to-Point tunnels

You can use Fabric Extend view to provision your own tunnels between Fabric Extend-capable nodes. You must specify the tunnel configuration for both ends of the tunnels.