View Layer 2 Tracetree Results

This procedure does not apply to XA1400 Series.
Use this procedure to view Layer 2 Tracetree results. The Layer 2 Tracetree command is a proprietary command that allows a user to trigger a multicast LTM message by specifying the B-VLAN and I-SID. This command allows the user to view a multicast tree on the SPBM B-VLAN from the source node to the destination nodes for a particular I-SID.

Troubleshooting using ping and traceroute (including Layer 2 ping and Layer 2 traceroute) is not supported on EDM. For more information, see Release Notes for VOSS. As an alternative, use CLI.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select L2Ping/L2Trace Route.
- Select the L2 Traceroute/TraceTree tab.
- In the IsTraceTree field double-click and select true for EDM to perform Tracetree on the multicast tree.
- Select Apply.
- Select Refresh to update the results.
- To view the tracetree results, highlight an entry, and then select Result.
L2 Traceroute/Tracetree Result Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the L2 Traceroute/Tracetree Result tab.
Name |
Description |
VlanId |
A value that uniquely identifies the Backbone VLAN (B-VLAN). |
SeqNumber |
The transaction identifier/sequence number returned by a previous transmit linktrace message command, that indicates which response of the L2Tracetree is going to be returned. The default is 0. |
Hop |
The number of hops away from L2Tracetree initiator. |
ReceiveOrder |
An index to distinguish among multiple L2Tracetree responses with the same Transaction Identifier field value. This value is assigned sequentially from 1, in the order that the Linktrace Initiator received the responses. |
Ttl |
Time-to-Live (TTL) field value for a returned L2Tracetree response. |
SrcMac |
MAC address of the MP that responds to the L2Tracetree request for this L2tractreeReply. |
HostName |
The host name of the replying node. |
LastSrcMac |
The MAC address of the node that forwarded the L2Tracetree to the responding node. |
LastHostName |
The host name of the node that forwarded the L2Tracetree to the responding node. |