FA Zero Touch Client Attachment

Table 1. Fabric Attach Zero Touch Client Attachment product support



Release introduced

For configuration details, see VOSS User Guide.

Fabric Attach Zero Touch Client Attachment

5520 Series

VOSS 8.2.5

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 6.0

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.1

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 6.0

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.0

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 6.0

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 6.0

VSP 8600 Series

VSP 8600 6.3

XA1400 Series

Not Supported

FA Zero Touch Client Attachment eases the configuration process on FA-capable devices by automating specific configuration tasks required for FA functionality.



Only the base functionality of Zero Touch Client Attachment is supported.

After you initially configure Zero Touch Client Attachment on the FA Server, the settings are exported to receiving FA devices, where the required configuration tasks are automatically performed.

Base Zero Touch Client Attachment operation is tightly coupled with FA operation. Although you can enable or disable Zero Touch Client Attachment separately from FA, the feature is dependant on data that is only available during exchanges between the FA Server and FA Proxies, after a primary FA Server has been selected. By default, base Zero Touch Client Attachment support is enabled.

Base Zero Touch Client Attachment operation, when enabled, extracts management VLAN data from the primary FA Server advertisements and uses this data to update the in-use management VLAN if applicable. An FA Client can also utilize FA-provided management VLAN data after the FA Proxy or Server is discovered.

Zero Touch is active when the following criteria are met:

The switch supports configurable VLANs in the range of 1 to 4059. VLAN 0 is invalid. VLAN ID 1 is the default VLAN and you cannot create or delete VLAN ID 1. VLAN IDs on the switch range from 2 to 4094 but, by default, the system reserves VLAN IDs 4060 to 4094 for internal use. On switches that support the vrf-scaling and spbm-config-mode boot configuration flags, if you enable these flags, the system also reserves VLAN IDs 3500 to 3998.



You must enable Base Zero Touch auto-client attach and define the target Fabric Attach client in order to initiate Zero Touch Client Attachment processing.

FA Signaling generated by an FA Proxy or Server contains management VLAN data. If the management VLAN advertised by the primary FA Server differs from the management VLAN currently configured on the FA Proxy, Zero Touch Client Attachment initiates the following:


The FA Proxy does not update the acquired management VLAN if the primary FA Server is lost. This data is updated if the management VLAN advertised by the current primary FA Server changes or if another primary FA Server is selected and new management VLAN data is advertised by the server.

Management VLAN and port membership updates performed by Zero Touch are maintained in non-volatile storage and are restored following a system reset. You must remove or update these configuration settings if they are deemed unnecessary at a later time.