View ACE Statistics

View ACE statistics to ensure that the filter operates correctly.



The ACL statistics do not support security action on some hardware platforms.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View ACE statistics for a specific ACL, ACE, or ACE type:

    show filter acl statistics <acl-id> <ace-id> [qos] [security]

  3. View all ACE statistics:

    show filter acl statistics all

  4. View default ACE statistics:

    show filter acl statistics default [<acl-id>]

  5. View global statistics for ACEs:

    show filter acl statistics global [<acl-id>]


View ACE statistics:



Based on your hardware platform, the output may display all the ACL packets or segregate them as QoS and security ACL packets.

Switch:1#show filter acl statistics all

                          Acl Global Statistics Table
Acl Id  Acl Name    Acl Type  Acl Sec    Acl Sec    Acl QOS    Acl QOS
                              Packets    Bytes      Packets    Bytes
1       ACL-1       inVlan    0          0          0          0
2       ACL-2       inVlan    0          0          0          0

Displayed 2 of 2 entries

                          Acl Default Statistics Table
Acl Id  Acl Name    Acl Type  Acl Sec    Acl Sec    Acl QOS    Acl QOS
                              Packets    Bytes      Packets    Bytes
1       ACL-1       inVlan    0          0          0          0
2       ACL-2       inVlan    0          0          0          0

Displayed 2 of 2 entries

--More-- (q = quit)

Switch:1#show filter acl statistics default

                          Acl Default Statistics Table
Acl Id  Acl Name    Acl Type  Acl Sec    Acl Sec    Acl QOS    Acl QOS
                              Packets    Bytes      Packets    Bytes
1       ACL-1       inVlan    0          0          0          0
2       ACL-2       inVlan    0          0          0          0

Displayed 2 of 2 entries

Switch:1#show filter acl statistics global 2

                          Acl Global Statistics Table
Acl Id  Acl Name    Acl Type  Acl Sec    Acl Sec    Acl QOS    Acl QOS
                              Packets    Bytes      Packets    Bytes
2       ACL-2       inVlan    0          0          0          0

Displayed 1 of 1 entries

Variable Definitions

Use the data in the following table to use the show filter acl statistics command.




Specifies the ACL ID. Use the CLI Help to see the available range for the switch.


Specifies the ACE ID. Different hardware platforms support different ACE ID ranges. Use the CLI Help to see the available range for the switch.

Job Aid

The following table describes output for the show filter acl statistics default command.

Table 1. show filter acl statistics default field descriptions



Acl ID

Specifies the identifier for the ACL.

Acl Name

Specifies the name for the ACL.

Acl Type

Specifies the ACL type.

Acl Sec Packets

Specifies the ACL secondary packets.

Acl Sec Bytes

Specifies the ACL secondary bytes.

Acl QoS Packets

Specifies the ACL QoS packets.

Acl QoS Bytes

Specifies the ACL QoS bytes.