Display IKE Profiles

Use the following procedure to display the configured IKE profiles:


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Display all IKE profiles:

    show ike profile

  3. Display a specific ike profile:

    show ike profile WORD<1–32>


Switch:1#show ike profile
                                  IKE Profile

                                 Hash   Encrypt Encrypt   DH     Exchange   Lifetime  
Name                             Algo    Algo   Key Len  Group   Mode       seconds   
DFLT_IKE_PROFILE                 sha256 aesCbc  256     modp2048 main       86400     
ikePRO                           sha256 aesCbc  256     modp2048 main       180       
test                             sha256 aesCbc  256     modp2048 main       86400     

Variable Definition

The following table defines parameters for the show ike profile command.



profile WORD<1–32>

Specifies the name of the profile to be displayed.

Job aid

The following table describes the fields in the output for the show ike profile command.




Specifies the name of the IKE Phase 1 profile.

Hash Algo

Specifies the hash authorization algorithm. The supported values are md5, sha, and sha256.


Encrypt Algo

Specifies the crytographic algorithm. The supported values are desCbc, 3DesCbc, and aesCbc.

Encrypt Key Len

Specifies the length of the encryption key. The supported values are 128, 192 and 256.

DH Group

Specifies the Diffe-Hellman (DH) group. The supported values are modp768, modp1024, and modp2048.

Exchange Mode

Specifies the IKE mode. The supported mods are main mode and aggressive mode.

Lifetime seconds

Specifies the lifetime value in seconds. The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 seconds.