MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing

Table 1. MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing product support



Release introduced

For configuration details, see VOSS User Guide.

MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing

5520 Series

VOSS 8.2.5

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 7.0

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.1

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 7.0

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.0

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 7.0

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 7.0

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

XA1400 Series

Not Supported

The MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing feature allows MSTP or RSTP network to be multi-homed into a Fabric Connect network, providing a loop-free topology. MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing enables an MSTP network to be multihomed into the SPB Fabric network through single node-to-multiple nodes or multiple nodes-to-multiple nodes.



You must enable MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing before you establish multihoming with an MSTP network.

MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing uses I-SID 16777003. The switch creates this I-SID automatically and it cannot be modified.

MSTP-Fabric Connect Multi Homing is supported on SPBM mode only.