Configuring the SSM map table

Configure the SSM map table to map groups to their sending source. SSM maps cannot conflict with static source groups. After you configure an SSM map or a static source group, the switch performs a consistency check to make sure no conflicts exist. You can map one group (G) or multiple groups to different sources for both static source group and an SSM channel.

Before you begin

Before you disable or delete an ssm-map, always send IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 leave messages from hosts that operate in IGMPv1 or IGMPv2. If you do not perform this action, receiving and processing reports in SSM range on an IGMP interface enabled with IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 can lead to unexpected behavior.

About this task

The consistency check applies to all SSM channel entries, even if they are disabled. If you disable an entry, it becomes inactive. If you do not delete the entry, you can reenable it later.

After you disable an SSM map, the switch stops multicast traffic from the specified source to the specified group. You can use this static configuration as a security feature to block traffic from a certain source to a specific group.

You can configure IGMP on a VRF instance the same way you configure the Global Router except that you must first launch the appropriate VRF context.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand the following folders: Configuration > IP.
  2. Select IGMP.
  3. Select the Ssm Map tab.
  4. Select Insert.
  5. Type the IP address for the multicast group and source.
  6. Select Insert.

    You can change the default status of an SSM map from enable to disable in the AdminState field.

Ssm Map field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Ssm Map tab.




Specifies an IP multicast address that is within the SSM range.


Specifies the IP address of the source that sends traffic to the group.


Displays whether the entry is statically configured (Static) or dynamically-learned from IGMPv3 (Dynamic). This variable a read-only field.


Displays the current activity of the selected (S,G) entry. True indicates that traffic is flowing to the switch, otherwise, it appears false. This variable a read-only field.


Configures the administrative state for the selected static entry. This state determines whether the switch uses the static entries. Configure this field to enable (default) to use the entry or disable to save for future use.