Display Switched UNI (ELAN) I-SID Information

Use this procedure to display information on FA-created Switched UNI (ELAN) I-SIDs.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Display all Switched UNI (ELAN) I-SIDs:

    show i-sid elan

  3. Display ELAN I-SID information on an MLT:
    show mlt i-sid [<1–512>]


    Viewing ELAN I-SID information on an MLT is useful to understand the origin of the I-SID when multiple client or proxy devices connecting to the FA Server using SMLT MLT advertise the same I-SID-to-VLAN mappings. In the event of a link failure on an MLT, the origin of the I-SID helps determine on which MLT, and thereby from which proxy or client device, the mappings were successfully learnt.

  4. Display ELAN I-SID information on ports:

    show interfaces gigabitEthernet i-sid [{slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]


Display information on all Switched UNI (ELAN) I-SIDs.

The following sample output displays, for example, the I-SID information on one of the peer switches of the FA Server, in a dual-homed SMLT configuration.

Switch:1#show i-sid elan

                                                       Isid Info
ISID        ISID                 PORT           MLT            ORIGIN              ISID
ID          TYPE       VLANID    INTERFACES     INTERFACES                         NAME
2002        ELAN       N/A       c2002:1/10     -              -  ---  -  -l-  -   EXTRSERVER_1
4000        ELAN       N/A       -              c4000:1        -  ---  -  --r  -   EXTRSERVER_12
4001        ELAN       N/A       -              c4001:1        -  ---  -  -l-  -   EXTRSERVER_101
4030        ELAN       N/A       -              c4030:1        -  ---  -  --r  -   EXTRSERVER_102
4051        ELAN       N/A       -              c4051:1        -  ---  -  -l-  -   EXTRSERVER_103
10200       ELAN       N/A       -              c200:1         -  ---  -  --r  -   EXTRSERVER_2
c: customer vid    u: untagged-traffic

All 6 out of 6 Total Num of Elan i-sids displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch



The I-SID TYPE field displays once for each I-SID. The I-SID TYPE of an I-SID that is either learned through FA mapping assignments or configured as an FA management I-SID, is always ELAN. If a platform VLAN has the same I-SID value as that of the I-SID in an FA mapping assignment or in an FA management I-SID configuration, then the platform VLAN is associated with the I-SID endpoint and appears in the VLANID column. 

Display MLT I-SID information for MLT 1.

In this sample output, the ORIGIN field indicates the origin of the I-SID endpoint.

Switch:1>show mlt i-sid
                                  MLT Isid Info
                  ISID                     ISID                         ISID
MLTID   IFINDEX   ID     VLANID   C-VID    TYPE      ORIGIN             NAME      BPDU
3       6146      3      N/A      33       ELAN      C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-3
1 out of 1 Total Num of i-sid endpoints displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

Display I-SID information on the port 1/10:

In this sample output, the ORIGIN field indicates the origin of the I-SID endpoint.

Switch:1#show interface gigabitEthernet i-sid
                           PORT Isid Info
                ISID                   ISID                        ISID              MAC
1/1     192     27       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-27           FALSE
1/1     192     270      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-270          FALSE
1/1     192     309      N/A    309    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-309          FALSE
1/1     192     401      N/A    401    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-401          FALSE
1/1     192     1001     N/A    1001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1001         FALSE
1/1     192     1111     N/A    1111   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1111         FALSE
1/1     192     1121     N/A    1121   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1121         FALSE
1/1     192     1201     N/A    1201   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-1201         FALSE
1/1     192     2001     N/A    2001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-2001         FALSE
1/2     193     38       N/A    4000   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-38           FALSE
1/2     193     310      N/A    310    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-310          FALSE
1/2     193     380      N/A    4001   ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-380          FALSE
1/2     193     402      N/A    402    ELAN     C  ---  -  ---  -  ISID-402          FALSE

13 out of 152 Total Num of i-sid endpoints displayed

ORIGIN Legend:
C: manually configured; D: discovered by FA or EPT
M: FA management; E: discovered by EAP; A: auto-sense
l: discover by local switch  r: discover by remote VIST switch

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show i-sid command.




Displays all ELAN I-SIDs.

The following table defines parameters for the show mlt i-sid command.




The valid range for MLT ID.

The following table defines parameters for the show interfaces gigabitEthernet i-sid command.



{slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.